As places change, the flows of things in and out of places can affect the characteristics of those places
External Flows cause Places to Change
Places are constantly changing because all the things that create their character are constantly changing
The angular character of many places has changed because of the external influences that have occurred
Flows of people, money, resources and ideas between places have increased, due to factors that have made it easier for people and goods to be transported, and communications
Flows have made places become more strongly connected to each other, and over increasing distances - this is globalisation
Demographic Change is Caused by Shifting Flows
Demographic characteristics
Who lives in a place and what they are like, including factors such as age, gender, education level, religion, birth rates, ethnicity and population size
Flows of people can change any of the demographic characteristics of a place, e.g. the age or gender balance
Demographic changes caused by flows
Younger people leaving Uckfield in East Sussex as they cannot afford housing, leaving an increasingly high proportion of older people
Large-scale migration from North Africa to Europe altering the gender balance of some host towns, as a high proportion of migrants are male
Flows of money and investment, by governments or businesses, can change the demographic characteristics of places
Demographic changes caused by flows of money and investment
London Docklands Development Corporation redeveloping the Docklands area, resulting in an increase in population
Organisations like the UNFPA spreading knowledge and resources about birth control, affecting population size in some of the poorest countries
These Flows Also Affect the Cultural Characteristics of a Place
Cultural characteristics
How people live their lives, e.g. the foods, customs, clothing traditions, language, art, attitudes, beliefs and values people have
The cultural characteristics of places can change due to the effects of changing external flows
Cultural changes caused by flows of people
Mass international migrations to the UK from India, Pakistan and other Commonwealth countries creating multi-ethnic communities
Fast food companies from the USA opening restaurants in China, changing eating habits
Economic Characteristics are Affected by Many Different Flows
Economic characteristics
Employment rates and the types of jobs available
Economic changes caused by flows of people
Cornwall changing from a fishing settlement to a popular tourist destination, altering the types of jobs available
Economic changes caused by flows of resources
The Scottish whisky industry growing due to international exports, bringing employment and prosperity to a wide range of places
Economic changes caused by flows of money and investment
Reduced investment and competition from global markets leading to the decline of primary industries in the UK, damaging local economies
Investment in the finance industries in the City of London creating many high value service sector jobs
These Flows also Affect Social Inequality
Social characteristics
What people's lives are like, e.g. their overall quality of life, access to adequate food, healthcare, education, sanitation, leisure activities
Social inequality
Differences in these social factors between different groups of people
Social changes caused by flows of people
Rural to urban migration in India resulting in the development of slums in cities, with migrants often having a very low quality of life compared to wealthier residents
Social changes caused by flows of resources
Wealth from oil extraction in Nigeria going to a few individuals while large numbers remain in poverty
Social changes caused by flows of money and investment
Gentrification in Notting Hill, London improving the area but also increasing inequality between wealthier newcomers and existing poorer residents