C9 - Chemistry of the Atmosphere

Cards (11)

  • Evolution of the atmosphere:
    • Volcanoes emit CO2, nitrogen, water vapour, methane, ammonia
    • Algae removes CO2 from atmosphere by photosynthesis
    • Plants and algae release oxygen through photosynthesis
    • Atmosphere settles at stable levels
  • Atmosphere:
    • 78% nitrogen
    • 21% oxygen
    • <1% CO2
  • Carbon trapped:
    1. Plants and marine animals die and are buried under the seabed
    2. Sediment layers compress the corpses, trapping carbon inside them
    3. Coal, crude oil, natural gas made by this are known as fossil fuels
    4. Crude oil and natural gas come from plankton, coal comes from plants
  • Short wave radiation comes from the sun, long wave radiation gets bounced of the earth and ozone layer
  • Carbon footprints - a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases released over the full life cycle of something
  • Reducing carbon footprints:
    • Using renewables / taxing emissions
    • Efficient processes
    • Individual reductions
    • Carbon capture and storage
  • Fossil fuels contain hydrocarbons
  • Incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons:
    • Particulates
    • CO / CO2
    • Sulfur dioxide
    • Nitrous oxides
  • Particulates cause global dimming and lung problems
  • Carbon monoxide - prevents haemoglobin from carrying oxygen
  • Sulfur dioxide / Nitrous oxides - acid rain and respiratory issues