CGP Meaning & Representations of Place

Cards (19)

  • Sense of place
    How people feel about a place
  • People perceive and present places differently
  • Meaning of place
    The meaning a place has to the people that know it
  • Different people or groups can attach different meanings to the same place
  • Insider/outsider
    How people feel about a place depending on whether their experience has been positive or negative
  • Representation of place
    How individuals or organisations portray places they know about to others
  • People or organisations can represent places in different ways depending on their perspective
  • Representation of place
    • Individuals presenting a place positively if they are proud of it
    • Individuals presenting a place negatively if they had a bad experience
    • Organisations presenting places positively to gain from how they are perceived
    • Newspapers focusing on negative aspects to sell more copies
  • Meanings and representations of places
    Can change how people behave towards those places
  • Meanings and representations of places
    Are important as many people generate their identity based on the places they feel connected to
  • Some groups try to influence people's view of place or create new meanings for particular places to change behaviour towards those places
  • Groups that try to influence perceptions of place
    • Governments
    • Corporate bodies
    • Community/local groups
  • Place marketing
    1. Selling places like products to consumers through websites, logos, advertising, social media
    2. Reimaging
    3. Changing existing negative perceptions of a place through redevelopment
    4. Rebranding
    5. Giving a place a new appealing identity through reimaging, marketing and regeneration
  • Different forms of representing places can create contrasting representations
  • Forms of representing places
    • Quantitative (statistics, data, graphs, charts)
    • Qualitative (art, poetry, photography)
  • Statistics
    Objective data that can give quantitative information about places, but don't tell you about the sense of place
  • Maps
    Can show quantitative and qualitative data about places, but can also be misleading
  • Films, photography, art
    Show what places look like and can give a sense of character, but only represent what the creator wants to show
  • Stories, articles, music, poetry
    Can describe places and evoke a sense of place, but only from the author's perspective