
Cards (21)

  • vitalism
    • refuted by Helmholtz =
    • neural signal physical (electrical) not a vital force of nature specific to particular senses
  • Golgi
    invented method of staining neurons with silver nitrate
  • Cajal
    • used Golgi's method to produce detailed drawings of neural assemblies
    • discovered synapse & functional polarity of neurons - direction signals travel - 1 direction
  • Golgi, Cajal & Neuron Doctrine
    • disagree over whether nervous system composed of individual units that interact with neighbours (Cajal) or continuous mass (Golgi)
    • Cajal = proved correct
    • To some extent gap junctions (electrical connections) support Golgi’s ideas
  • Donald Hebb: The Organization of Behaviour (1949)

    • 1st comprehensive theory of how complex psychological phenomena, perceptions, emotions, thoughts, & memories, might be produced by brain activity
    • alternative to dominant paradigm - behaviourism
    • simple rules on how active cells could form ‘assemblies’ (work together + over time) to form elements of cognition
    • Sequences of assemblies (‘synfire chains’) could explain perception of temporal patterns; i.e. those that unfold in time
  • Neurons
    • Cajal - neirons = basic, distinct, units of nervous system
    • cell body = nuclus, mitochondria, other structurers involved in protein synthesis & transport (e.g. neurotransmitters)
    • processes - dentrites & axon (myelin sheath - lipid (fat like) & protein)
    • terminal buttons
  • Membrane potential & Ion exchange 

    • transmission in 1 direction - dendrites to terminals
    • dendrites & soma recieve input from previous nerurons
    • input changes potential (electrical charge) of neuron
    • resting potential = charge across neural membrane at rest - membrane polarized
    • charge caused by differences in ion concentrations & maintained by diffusive & electroststic pressures & mechanical process
  • membrane potential & Ion exchange - permeability regulation 

    • membrane of neuron = low permeability to sodium ions = restricts entry into cell
    • sodium ions must be kept in greater concentration outside cell by low permeability
  • Membrabe potential & ion exchange - sodium-potassium pump

    • actively transports sodium ions out of cell while simultaneously bringing potassium ions into cell
    • operates by exchanging 3 sodium ions for every 2 potassium ions
    • process helps maintain concentration gradient of sodium ions = ensuring higher concentration outside cell
  • Depolarization & Action Potential
    • Excitation: When neuron receives input from other neurons = may become depolarized
    • If depolarization reaches threshold = action potential generated
    • Voltage-dependent sodium channels opened
    • sodium enters cell - potential increases
    • voltage dependent potassium chanes opened
    • sodium channels close
    • potassium leaves cell - returning potential to normal
    • over time sodium potassium pump restores concentrations
    • depolarization occurs locally & spreads down axon in an all-or-none fashion
  • The Synapse – neural transmission
    • Neurotransmitter molecule binds with a receptor (in post synaptic neuron)
    • causes opening of ion channels & changes to polarization of postsynaptic membrane
    • effects of transmitter depend on ion channel open
    • –Na + channels - depolarization = Excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP)
    • –K + channels - hyperpolarization = Inhibitory post-synaptic potential (IPSP)
  • Excitatory & Inhibitory Post synaptic potential
    sodium chanel open → depolarisationEPSP
    = moves potential closer to firing threshold
    potassium channels open → hyperpolarizationIPSP
    = moves potential away from threshold
  • Neural Processing
    • ion channels open transiently - PSPs decay over time
    • Seversl EPSPs necessary for depolarization to reach threshold
    • this allows inputs from many neurons to be added together = summated
  • Neural processing - summation
    • temporal summation - PSPs in close succession overlap & add together
    • spatial summation - simultaneous PSPs at different locations add
    • EPSPs & IPSPs can cancel each other out
  • Neurotransmitters
    • 2 primary transmitters Glutamate (I effects) & GABA (E effects)
    • many modulatory transmitters - regulate activity of neurons
    • effect of post-synaptic neuron determined by receptors present, state of neuron, presence of other transmitter substances
    • = allows complex modulation of neural processing
  • Neurotransmitters - Glutamate
    • brain's most common excitatory transmitter
    • increases membrane potential of postsynapic cell - brings closer to threshold
    • is an amino acid prodcued by neuron's metabolism
    • activates several types of receptors - NMDA, AMPA
    • AMPA receptor controls Na+ gate → EPSP
  • Neurotransmitters: Glutamate p2
    • NMDA receptor - controls Na+ & Ca2+ gates
    • Ca2+ = involved in changes to AMPA receptors, producing Long Term Potentiation
    • NMDA receptor blocked by Mg+ ion
    • this removed when membrane depolarized
    • other binding sites have modulatory effects on NMDA receptors
  • Neurotransmitters - GABA - Gamma-AminoButyric Acid
    • brain's most common inhibitory transmitter
    • decreases membrane potential of postsynaptic cell - further from threshold
    • prevents excessive excitation
    • Inhibitory interneurons increase flexibility of nervous system
    • many receptor sites - allowing drug action
  • Neurotransmitters: dopamine
    • Dopaminergic projections from substantia nigra & ventral tegmental area modulate activity in striate, limbic, & cortical areas
    • effects can be excitaory, inhibitory or modulatory (long lasting effects) depending on receptor
  • Dopamine - Substania nigra
    • modulates input areas of basal ganglia - involved in action control
    • Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons = associated with Parkinson’s disease
    • Treatment often involves L-DOPA - precursor of dopamine = compensate for dopamine deficiency
  • dopamine - Ventral Tegmental area 

    • involved in reward, learning, and changing behaviour to unexpected or highly salient stimuli
    • Stimuli associated with VTA activation, particularly nucleus accumbens = perceived as exciting or rewarding (mesolimbic system)