The growth in the proportion of people living in urban areas
The population of urban areas is increasing
Urbanisation occurs earlier in developed countries due to the Industrial Revolution
Urbanisation is increasing rapidly in developing countries with growing populations
Four processes affecting the populations of cities
Push factors
Factors making people want to leave an area
Pull factors
Factors attracting people to an area
Urbanisation is usually caused by migration (especially rural-urban migration) and natural increase (when birth rate is higher than death rate)
People often migrate to cities for better access to schools and healthcare, and because there are more jobs available
Many migrants are young adults, so if they have children the population increases further
In developing countries, urbanisation can result in shanty towns - unplanned and often illegal settlements made out of any material available
The migration of people from city centres to the outskirts of cities
As urbanisation increases, city centres can become overcrowded and people desire more space
Improvements to transport links mean people can live further away and commute to work
Many people choose to move to the suburbs when they have children or retire
A complex pattern of wealthy and poorer areas develops, with wealthier middle-class people moving to the suburbs and poorer people, including foreign immigrants, left behind
The movement of people out of the city into surrounding villages and rural areas
Improvements in transport and communications allow people to commute to work or work from home
People leave cities because of high property prices and overcrowding, and some just prefer quieter rural areas
Counterurbanisation can lead to new housing estates being built in rural areas, increasing house prices and changing the age structure of the area
The movement of people back to the city centre
People may move back to city centres because of a lack of jobs in rural or suburban areas, and they are attracted by new developments
Urban resurgence is common in many post-industrial countries like the UK and USA
New shops and services may open in the city as people move back, boosting the local economy and creating jobs, but original residents may not be able to afford to live in the area anymore
An urban area with over 18 million people living there
The number of megacities in the world has increased, with more than two-thirds being in developing nations
Megacities dominate the national and regional economies of countries because companies choose to build their headquarters in cities with a large number of skilled workers and good transport links
Megacities often have people living at opposite extremes, with some being really rich and others living in poverty
World city
A city that has political and financial influence over the whole world
The number of world cities is increasing, with more recent economic growth in countries like Nigeria allowing cities like Lagos to become contenders for world city status
World cities are centres for banking, finance, international trade, and culture, and they have good international transport links
World cities are generally home to world-renowned universities and centres for science and innovation
World cities attract high numbers of people from other countries, including migrants, business visitors, students and tourists