
Cards (27)

  • Variables:
    • quick response code
    • online library management system
  • Functions of the proposed project
    • Implementing QR codes for the Online Library Management System to enhance the efficiency and accessibility at West Philippines Institute
    • Using a website for automation of the Online Library Management System at WPI for categorizing available books, specifically research books accessed by the librarian
    • Maintaining a database of borrowed books that have been retrieved or issued, together with their respective dates
  • Limitations of the scanner project
    • Reliability
    • Financial
    • Time
    • Availability of Materials
  • Reliability
    The scanner would operate together with QR codes when it has electricity. While the website should have access to an Internet connection, in certain circumstances, some students do not have a phone or upgraded phone, in that case, the information of the borrower will be manually input by the librarian.
  • Financial
    Required resources are limited due to the financial provision to achieve and further widely implement this project.
  • Time
    This project would require enough time to expand the creation successfully as it was limited to the whole second semester of 2023-2024.
  • Availability of Materials
    It was noticed that some of the materials used in this project were not visually seen in daily life due to the increase in demand for supplies and availability, which can cause the project to be delayed.
                This study introduces the following variables: Online Library Management System, Quick Response Code, and Traditional Library vs. Online Library.
  • Online Library Management System
    Provides a specific Quick Response (QR) code among students who will borrow any research book in the library
  • This research aims to determine the extent to which an Online Library Management System can provide a specific Quick Response (QR) code among students who will borrow any research book in the library, ultimately contributing to a more reliable prototype at West Philippines Institute
  • Beneficiaries of the study
    • Students
    • Librarian/School
    • Teachers
    • Future Researchers
  • Online Library Management System
                The following literature related to the study: LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM : A Review (Wankhede et. al, 2023). Design And Implementation Of Digital Library Management System. A Case Study Of The Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State (Fern et al., 2019). Smart library management system (Kumar et al., 2023).
  • Benefits for Students
    • Higher quality form of transaction
    • More proper way of borrowing and returning books
    • Ability to keep track of borrowed books/library materials
  • Benefits for Librarian/School
    • Facilitate book transactions seamlessly
    • Supply what the students need
    • Provide efficiency
    • Implement an easier and faster way to manage the library
  • Benefits for Teachers
    • Easily find books for their lessons or research made by students
    • Serve as a tool for narrowing down sources and materials they need to use for teaching
  • Benefits for Future Researchers
    • Contribute to their studies
    • Serve as a way of guidance or help for their future research
    • Provide necessary information that will benefit their study
  • Traditional Library vs. Online Library
    The following literature related to the study: Turning a Traditional Library into a Smart Library (Ozeer et. al., 2019). Augmenting Traditional Library Services: Role of Smart Library Technologies and Big Data (Adetayo et al., 2021). Smart Library and Management System (Radhika et al., 2021).
  • Quick Response Code
                The following literature related to the study: QR Code as an Element of Educational Activity (Deineko et al., 2022). A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW ON QR CODE DETECTION AND PRE-PROCESSING (Jain et, al., 2021). QR CODES AND USEFUL APPS FOR ACADEMIC LIBRARIES (Ajagekar & Ajara, 2022).
                The following scientific literature related to the study: Research on the construction scheme of smart library based on blockchain technology (Xu & Shang, 2024). Library Management System (Dhale & Mahalle, 2022). Smart Library Management System using QR code (Singh, 2019).
  • This chapter includes local and foreign studies that will provide findings, reviews, and recommendations about the applied quick response code: implementing the utilization of an online library management system at West Philippines Institute and could also support the research by gathering both studies
  • Local Studies
    • Automated library management system for public libraries in the Philippines (Obsanga & Enierga, 2021)
    • Acceptability and Usability of Quick Response Code for on Line Document Tracking in a Higher Education Institution in the Philippines (Farin, 2022)
    • Knowledge, Satisfaction and Challenges on Online Public Access Catalog in an Academic Library in Northern Philippines Catalog in an Academic Library in Northern Philippines (Carbonero et al., 2020)
  • Foreign Studies
    The following foreign studies are relevant to the project: QR Code And Its Effectiveness in Library Services (Das & Das, 2021). Application of QR Code in Academic Libraries: A Study (Turamari, 2022). Using Quick Response Codes in the Classroom Quality Outcomes (Zurmehly & Adams, 2017).
  • •Input
    •Supported by Internet connection•
    •Third-Party Domain (For test runs)•
    •Book arrangements•
    •Time Efficient••Flexibility
  • •Process•Drafting the product mechanics••Prototype Cycle••Testing and observation••Prototype Analysis
  • •Output•Completed and  functional Online Library Management System and Book Scanner••Innovation and upgrade of library management at West Philippines Institute
    The following hypotheses were tested in this study:
    H0: The application of Quick Response Code does not significantly influence the utilization of implementing online library management at West Philippines Institute.
    HA: The application of Quick Response Code significantly influences the utilization of implementing online library management at West Philippines Institute.