
Cards (72)

  • dia means through, across
  • phoresis means carrying, transmission
  • diaphoresis means profuse sweating
  • incompetent means inability to adequately perform a given function or action
  • leaflet means thin, flattened structure; used to describe the leaf-shaped structures that compose a heart valve
  • lumen means tubular space or channel within any organ or structure or the body; space within an artery, vein, intestine, or tube
  • malaise means vague, uneasy feeling of body weakness, distress, or discomfort
  • occlusion means blockage in a canal, vessel, or passage of the body; state of being closed
  • patent means open and unblocked
  • pro means before, in front of
  • phylaxis means protection
  • prophylaxis means preventive measure or technique to destroy the entry of infectious organisms
  • viscosity is the state of being sticky or gummy
  • a solution that has high viscosity is relatively thick and flows slowly
  • aneurysm means a widening, a widened blood vessel
  • rrhaphy means suture
  • aneurysmorraphy is the surgical closure of an aneurysm sac
  • angi and vascul means vessel (blood or lymph)
  • angioplasty is any endovascular procedure that reopens narrowed blood vessels and restores blood flow
  • vasculitis means inflammation of blood vessels
  • aort means aorta
  • stenosis means narrowing, stricture
  • aortostenosis is the narrowing of the aorta
  • arteri means artery
  • rrhexis means rupture
  • arteriorrhexis is the rupture of an artery
  • arteriol means arteriole
  • arteriolitis is the inflammation of the wall of an arteriole
  • atri means atrium
  • atriomegaly is the enlargement of the atrium
  • ather means fatty plaque
  • atheroma is the most common cause of hardening of the arteries
  • atheroma is the abnormal condition of fatty plaque buildup
  • cardi means heart
  • cardiomegaly is the enlargement of the heart
  • electr means electricity
  • electrocardiogram is the graphic recording of the electrical impulses of the heart
  • embol means plug
  • embolectomy is the removal of an embolus through surgery
  • hemangi means blood vessel