Promoting equality- means ensuring people are treated fairly and equally. Individuals must be given the same choices and opportunities regardless of their specific needs and differences.
Diversity- recognising and valuing that every individual is unique. For example, race, religion, beliefs, age
Rights- what everyone is legally entitled to. These are;
Protection from harm and abuse
Equal and fair treatment
Right to life
Equality Act (2010) Protected Characteristics - introduced as characteristics that must not be used as a basis for discrimination.
These are;
Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil partnership
Pregnancy and maternity
Religion and belief
Sexual orientation
Benefits of Diversity- Respect
Showing an appreciation of someone's wishes, rights, you avoid doing things that they would dislike or regard as wrong
Benefits of Diversity- Empowerment
The process of giving individuals power and status in a particular situation.
Benefits of Diversity- Independence
Whereby individuals do not have to rely on other people.
Benefits of diversity - Inclusion
The act of making an individual part of a group or collection or situation.
Benefits of Diversity- Dignity
A state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect; a sense of pride in oneself
Benefits of Diversity- Opportunity
A situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do
Benefits of diversity- Access and participation
Situations where you are able to join in freely
Values of care for health and social care
Promoteequality and diversity - E.g. using non- discriminatory language
Promoting individual rights and beliefs- E.g. having menus with a range of food choices
Maintaining Confidentiality - E.g. Filing documents away securely
Values of care in child care services
Making the welfare of the child paramount- E.g. having a child centred approach
Keeping children safe and maintaining a healthy environment - E.g making sure all staff are wearing lanyards for identification.
Working in partnership with parents/ guardians - E.g. daily diaries kept by nursery staff to keep parents informed of progress.
Values of care in child care services
Encouraging children's learning and development- E.g. activities should be suited to the children's development progress.
Valuing diversity - E.g. celebrating a range of festivals with all the children like Christmas, Chinese New Year.
Ensuring equality of opportunity- E.g. all activities should be made accessible to everyone.
Values of care in child care services
Anti- discriminatory practice- E.g. staff need to make sure they are not using discriminatory language - no racist or sexist comments.
Maintaining confidentiality - E.g. Information about a child should only ever be shared on a 'need to know' basis.
Working with other professionals- information should be shared openly but sensitively.
Benefits of Diversity
Access and Participation
Legislation- laws passed by parliament that states the rights and entitlements of the individual
Advocacy- someone who speaks on behalf of an individual who is unable to speak for themselves
Advocacy services- SEAP, MENCAP, Empower Me, British institute of learning disabilities