Includes the state of hyperventilation, a state of rapid, deep breathing
Overlaps with agoraphobia, an excessive fear of open or public spaces
Overlaps with social phobia, a severe avoidance of other people and doing anything in public
Bipolar Disorder - previously known as Manic-Depressive Disorder, features extreme mood changes

Mania - features constant activity, being inhibited, and irritability; the opposite of depression
May be dangerous to themselves or others
Hypomania - mild degree of mania
Schizophrenia - features prolonged deterioration of daily activity such as work, social relations, and self-care
Must include some combination of hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech and thought, movement disorder, and loss of normal emotional responses and social behaviors
Positive (Presence) Symptoms - the presence of a behavior
Negative (Lack) Symptoms - lack of a behavior; lack of emotional expression, motivation, and/or social interaction
Autism Spectrum Disorder - lifelong condition characterized by impaired social contact
Causes related to genetics and prenatal environment-related causes
Brain abnormalities related to autism have been discovered, but none consistently occur