A country being landlocked affects development because they may have to pay countries around them in order to transport goods for international trade. For example : countries in Central Africa
Dry / aridclimate affects development because the agriculture industry is limited in that country because most crops will not grow. This results in poor food security and reliance on imports. Also, tropical climates result in more diseases and pests
Extreme weather affects development because it causes damage to infrastructure and money must be spent on repairs.
Limited safe water access affects development because it spreads diseases and causes lost time for people who have to travel to get water. This results in less time spent at work or schools
A singlecommodityeconomy affects development because fluctuations and price crashes can have massive impacts on the country's economy. E.g copper is 60% of Zambia's exports.
Colonialism affects development because there are limited resources that haven't been plundered by colonisers, and conflict or civil war may result from the country's struggle for independence. E.g parts of Africa, South America, and Asia were colonised by Europe
Conflict affects development because money must be spent on rebuilding, many people are forced into refugee camps with poor sanitation, and many young lives are lost (causing an ageing population). E.g Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria
Corruption affects development because it causes economic imbalance and poor infrastructure / services. E.g Nigeria is the richest country in Africa while 60% live in poverty. $2.6 trillion per year lost to corruption
Closing the development gap:
Debt relief
Given as money, resources etc.g Oxfam give a goat
Leads to better QofL, emergency aid helps reduce deaths
Can be wasted by govts, tied aid, hard to maintain
Debt relief:
Countries/charities give money to help LICs pay off debt
Means they can invest in development / infrastructure. Reduces interest by paying quick
May become complacent, corruption risk
Fair trade:
Ensures LIC farmers have fairer wage
Farmers get more money, investment in communities
Farmers forced to use certain companies, prices are high