token economy

Cards (6)

  • Behavior Modification: Token economy
    • Involves reinforcing desirable behavior with a token that can then be exchanged for some kind of reward
    • Tokens can then be exchanged for primary reinforcers that do have an inherent value to the offenders
    • Non-compliance or disobedience may result in tokens and the associated privileges being withheld or removed (a form of punishment)
  • In prisons
    • Incentive may be job opportunity, or earn TV in room (time in the gym, possibility of parole for good behavior
  • In court

    • Reduction in sentence if you plead guilty
  • This is supposed to weaken the thought process of criminals wanting to commit criminal acts
  • Effectiveness of Token economy
    • It's consistent and can be applied for multiple behaviors and a wide range of offenders
    • Allows you to reinforce behaviors for particularly difficult offenders
    • Weakness of Token economy: Not long-term - only works while inside prison
    • Reward can become more important than the target behavior