Elementary Logic

Cards (15)

  • What is the word for Conjunction?
  • Symbol that denotes conjunction?
  • Truth Value of Conjunction?
    If both are true then true, otherwise, false.
  • Word for Disjunction?
  • Symbol that denotes Disjunction?
    (logical OR)
  • Truth value of Disjunction?
    If both are false then false, otherwise, true.
  • Negation: opposite of a given statement
  • Symbol for Negation?
  • Truth value of Negation?
    If p is true, then false. If q is false, then true.
  • Word for conditional?
    If, then
  • Symbol for Conditional?

  • Truth value of Conditional?
    If p is true and q is false, then false. Otherwise, true.
  • Word for biconditional?
    If and only if
  • Symbol for Biconditional?

  • Truth value of Biconditional?
    If both are true or false, then true. Otherwise, false.