
Cards (10)

  • nuclear family most ideal for society
    • husband, wife, 2 kids
    • man - instrumental role
    • woman - expressive role
  • murdock 4 functions of nf
    1. primary socialisation
    2. reproduction of next generation
    3. teaching socially approved gender roles and sexuality
    4. family provides economic function
  • 1 primary socialisation
    transmitting shared norms and values
  • 2. reproduction of next generation 

    society can’t function without kids
  • 4. family provided economic function
    gender roles teach boys to adopt an instrumental role
  • parsons 2 functions of nf
    primary socialisation- child learns norms and values that are specific to a culture
    stabilisation of adult personalities - warm bath theory - emphasises the emotional security in marital relationships = women destresses man after hard day at work
  • infantile regression
    stabilisation of adult personalities within marriage allows adults to go back to their childhood by playing with their children
  • X rose tinted view of family - ignores abuse, dark side
  • X ethnocentric view - disregards other cultures
  • X patriarchal - suggests women are only biologically suited for the caregiver role