1979 General Election

Cards (11)

  • Background
    Labour had won a narrow victory in 1974 under Harold Wilson, but overtime their majority disappeared (relying on Liberal and SNP/Plaid votes afterwards) and their leader was replaced by James Callaghan
    • in 1979 a vote of no confidence, won by one vote, triggered an early election
    • Labour struggled due to a series of industrial disputes and strikes during winter of 1978-1978 which became known as the 'Winter of Discontent'
  • Key Policies -Labour
    Focused on:
    • Their ability to deal with trade unions
    • Their experienced leader - James Callaghan
    • Moderate financial policies
    • Labour-Left largely silenced
  • Labour manifesto presented four priorities
    1. a curb on inflation and prices
    2. new framework to improve industrial relations with the Trade Unions Congress
    3. High priority to working for a return to full employment
    4. Strengthen world peace and defeat poverty with Britains influence, concerned to enlarge people freedom
  • Key Policies - Conservatives
    Focused on
    • key message that 'labour isn't working'
    • Right to buy scheme
    • Tax Cuts
  • Conservative Manifesto presented 5 major policies
    • restore health of our economic and social life, by controlling inflation and striking a balance between the rights and duties of trade unions
    • restore incentives to work, success is rewarded, more creation if genuine new jobs
    • Uphold parliament and the rule of law
    • Support family life, help people become home owners, concentrating welfare on those who need it
    • Strengthen Britains defences and work with allies to protect common interests
  • The Campaign
    Mass media played a major role more than any previous election
    • parties timed their conferences so they appeared in the midday news
    • Leaders did walk-abouts to coincide with early evening news
    • Major speeches were timed alongside the evening news
    Following polls that showed the public did not like adversarial politics party leaders avoided making attacks on each other each other
    • Callaghan never mentioned Thatcher by name and the Conservatives toned down their insults in broadcasts
  • The Campaign
    Both parties kept their extreme wings out of the campaign:
    • Radical left - Michael Foot and Tony Benn
    • New Right - Sir Keith Joseph
    The campaign was mostly focused on center ground with the main differences being leadership style
    • Callaghan appeared to win, with polls narrowing as polling day approached however it was not enough to overturn the result
  • Impact of Leadership Image
    Thatcher was seen as
    • less experienced
    • out of touch
    • More extreme
    • more condescending
    • her image was impacted by the fact she was a woman
    Callaghan was seen as
    • experienced
    • in touch with ordinary people
    • moderate
  • The Result

    Turnout - 76% (increase of 3.2%)
    Total Votes - 31,221,362
    • seats won: 339
    • change: +62
    • vote %: 44%
    • seats won: 269
    • change: -50
    • vote %: 37%
    • seats won: 2
    • change: -9
    • vote %: 0.3%
    • after criticism from callaghan 'turkeys voting for an early christmas' they lost 9 seats and issues surrounding devolution
  • How did people vote?
    • all parts of the country saw a swing towards the conservatives
    • Much larger swing in southern England
    • Conservatives dominate amongst ABC1 voters
    • Labour won C2 and DE vote however both saw a swing towards the tories
    • Fairly even split although women more likely to vote conservative
    • Labour won the 18-24 age group but lost support in 35-54 bracket
    • Conservatives won all others
    • Liberals saw most support in 35-54 bracket
    Lack of data on BAME voting in 1979
  • Impact of voting system
    • favoured 2 largest parties - Tories and Labour
    • Tories got 53% of the seats, if PR was used they wouldve gotten 279 seats
    • Labour got 42% of the seats, if PR had been used they would have gotten 234 seats
    • All other parties under performed and wouldve benefitted from proportional representation
    • Liberals wouldve gotten 88 seats instead of 11