The Spaniards arrived in the Philippines on March 16, 1521.
Stone Age
Developed techniques for sawing, drilling, and polishing hard stones.
they were producing adzes ornaments of seashells and pottery of various designs.
Iron Age
Filipinos during this period engaged in the actual extraction of iron from ore, smelting, and refining.
Refined plank – built warship.
Chao Ju – Kua (1225)
Author of the most frequently cited Chinese account in Philippine history textbooks.
He described the communities and trading activities in the islands of Ma – i (Mindoro) and San – hsu (literally three islands which present – day historians think refer to the group of Palawan and Calamian Islands).
The alliance between the rulers of Manila and Brunei had become strengthened by marriage.
The Spaniards colonized the Philippines in 1565.
Scattered, autonomous village communities all over the archipelago.
These were kinship groups or social units rather than political units.
Town of Mindoro
“Fortified by a stone wall over fourteen feet thick”, and defended by armed Moros— “bowmen, lancers, and some gunners, linstock in hand.
They had no calendar but counted the years by moons and from one harvest season to another.
Francisco de Sande
A governor who observed that Filipinos do not understand any kind of work, unless it be to do something actually necessary.
The adoption of an essentially religious strategy which had earlier been successfully used in Latin America.
It required the consolidation of the far – flung, scattered barangay communities into fewer, larger and more compact settlements within the hearing distance of the church bells.
Cabezas de Barangay
The heads of the lowest level of local government.
Missionaries and Parish Priests
Primary instruction during the Spanish regime in the villages and towns were generally taken care by them.
College(s) founded by the Jesuits:
Colegio de San Ildefonso – Cebu (1595)
Colegio de San Ignacio – Manila (1595)
Colegio de San Jose – Manila (1601)
Ateneo de Manila – Manila (1859)
College(s) founded by the Dominicans:
Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manila (1640)
University of Santo Tomas (UST)
Remained as the highest institution of learning during the Spanish regime.
Run by the Dominicans. It was established as a college in 1611 by Fray Miguel de Benavides.
Leon Ma. Guerrero
Referred to as the “Father of Philippine Pharmacy” because of his extensive work on the medicinal plants on the Philippines and their uses.
John Bowring
British Governor of Hongkong who made an official visit to the Philippines in the 1850s and described the poor public instruction and unemployment of the graduates of medicine and sciences in the Philippines.
Jose Rizal – pursued studies in Medicine and specialized in Ophthalmology in Spain and Germany.
Graciano Apacible – studied Medicine in Madrid.
Antonio Luna – obtained his Ph.D. in Pharmacy in Madrid and later worked with renowned scientist in Ghent and Paris.
Jose Alejandrino – took up engineering in Belgium.
Medicine and Pharmacy
Most developed science – based profession during the Spanish regime.
Fr. Fernando de Sta. Maria
One of the several Spanish missionaries who observed, catalogues, and wrote about Philippine plants, particularly those with medicinal properties.
Author of Manual de Medicinas Caseras that was published in 1763.
Laboratorio Municipal de Ciudad de Manila
Its main function was to conduct biochemical analyses for public health and to undertake specimen examinations for clinical and medico-legal cases.
Cronica de Ciencias Medicas de Filipinas
Laboratorio Municipal de Ciudad de Manila’s publication showing scientific studies being done during that time.
Galleon Trade/Manila – Acapulco Trade
Refers to the Spanish trading ships that linked the Spanish Crown’s Viceroyalty of New Spain, based in Mexico City, with its Asian territories, collectively known as the Spanish East Indies, across the Pacific Ocean.
Bourbon Dynasty
Ascended to the Spanish throne and brought with it political and economic ideas of the French Enlightenment.
Real Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pais de Filipinas (Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Philippines)
Founded by Governador Jose Basco y Vargas under the authority of royal decree of 1780.
Composed of private individuals and government officials, it undertook the promotion of the cultivation of indigo, cinnamon, cotton, and pepper, and the development of the silk industry.
Fr. Federico Faura
Issued the first public typhoon warning.
Literaria de Filipinas
A secular, state-supported institution of higher learning.
Financed students that were to serve in the public service for five years after their return from their studies in the U.S.
University of the Philippines
Remained the only publicly – supported institutions for higher education.
Corporation Law (Act No. 1459)
Enacted by Philippine Commission in 1906.
It treated the schools like commercial firms or business enterprises except that they would be under the supervision of the Department of Public Instruction rather than the Department of Trade and Industry.
Private School Act (Act No. 2076)
Enacted by Philippine Legislature in 1917.
Recognized private schools as educational institutions and not commercial ventures.
Monroe Survey
Most of the public and private schools were physically ill – equipped and with more part – time that full – time faculty members.
Seven Universities Recognized by the Government:
Centro Escolar University
Silliman University
Far Eastern University
National University
Philippine Women’s University
University of Manila
University of Santo Tomas
National Economic Council (NEC)
Created to prepare an economic program and advise the government on economic and financial questions.
National Development Company (NDC)
Mandated to undertake the development of successful researchers of government science agencies for commercial production.