Cards (20)

  • Lipids
    aka "fats"
  • Lipids
    • Insoluble in water
    • Soluble in non-polar inorganic compounds such as Chloroform, Hexane, etc.
  • Polar solvents (Hydrophilic)

    • Water
    • Acetic acid
    • Methanol
    • Ethanol
    • N-propanol
  • Non-polar solvents (Lipophilic)

    • Chloroform
    • Carbon Tetrachloride
    • Methylene chloride
    • Diethyl ether
    • Benzene
  • Classification of lipids according to biochemical functions
    • Energy-storage lipids
    • Membrane lipids
    • Emulsification lipids
    • Messenger lipids
    • Protective-coating lipids
  • Burning fats produces more than twice as much energy than carbohydrates
  • Membrane lipids
    • Amphipathic and complex (both hydrophilic and hydrophobic)
    • Two groups: Phospholipids and Glycolipids
  • Fatty acids
    Basic unit of lipids, their building blocks
  • Types of fatty acids
    • Saturated - all C-C bonds are single bonds
    • Monounsaturated - one C=C bond
    • Polyunsaturated - 2 or more C=C bonds present, up to six double bonds
  • Fats and oils
    Naturally occurring mixed triglycerides
  • Fats
    • Predominantly saturated
    • Solids/semisolids at room temperature
    • Predominantly obtained from animals
    • Tasteless, odorless, colorless
  • Oils
    • Predominantly unsaturated
    • Liquids at room temperature
    • Obtained from plants and fish oil
    • Odorless, colorless
  • Spotting Effect Test
    1. Samples: Ethyl Alcohol (Negative), Acetic acid (Negative), Coconut oil (Positive), Margarine (Positive)
    2. Interpretation: Lipids have higher boiling points than other substances, thus they evaporate slower, leaving a stain on the filter paper
  • Solubility test
    Samples: Coconut Oil (Miscible in Hexane, Immiscible in Water, Ethanol, HCl, NaOH), Margarine (Soluble in Hexane, Insoluble in Water, Ethanol, HCl, NaOH)
  • Test for Unsaturated Glycerides
    Halogenation (reaction with alcoholic Iodine): Coconut Oil (Orange-brown coloration, less unsaturation), Cottonseed oil (Lighter color change, more unsaturation)
  • Saponifiable lipids
    Can be hydrolyzed to form fatty acid salts (soaps)
  • Saponification
    1. First test tube (with heat) - Formation of bubbles, indication that soap was formed
    2. Second tube (without heat) - Less to no bubbles formed
  • Cholesterol
    Most important and abundant steroid, Plasma membrane component (animal cells), Precursor for other steroid based lipids
  • Salkowski Test
    1. Test for cholesterol: Chloroform (extracting solvent), Conc. Sulfuric Acid (dehydrating agent)
    2. Positive result: Red/Pink color, the solution becomes bluish red and slowly changes to a violet red, and the sulfuric acid becomes red with a green fluorescence
  • Liebermann-Burchard Test
    1. Test for unsaturated steroids & cholesterol: Chloroform (extracting solvent), Conc. Sulfuric Acid (dehydrating agent), Acetic Anhydride
    2. Positive result: Pink to Green to Blue to Green