pre germany

Cards (31)

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II German ruler from 1888-1918
    Germany parliament; Reichstag —> body state representatives: Bundersrat
    Kaiser held the power & could appoint/ dismiss the chancellor or ignore the Reichstag & Bundesrat to make his own decisions
  • Challenges Kaiser faced:
    Kaiser wanted to rival Britain (very powerful) by industrialisation & military strength
    Germany industrialised
    More people to move to cities (1910 60% of Germans lived in cities)
    Overcrowding, poor condition, disease, low wages
    • more support of socialists ( protect right of workers) 1912 socialists were the largest party
    • Join trade unions (organise strikes to improve pay)
  • successes
    1913 Germany overtook Britain 17% : 15% in goods
    Rapid economic growth full employment
    Germany made more steel
    Dealt with socialist by;
    1888 Old Age Pensions for workers & sickness & accident insurance
    Increased appeal of monarchy
    but wasnt successful as it didnt stop appeal of socialism
  • concerns
    • landowners & factory owners were rich
    • Rapid urbanisation
    • join trade unions
  • Navy policy: series of laws to strengthen Germany’s navy
    Weltpolitik: world policy (foreign policy to transform Germany into world power)
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II wanted to build a global empire (Weltpolitik)
    Kaiser wanted a large navy to take over more countries & protect countries —>naval laws to increase size of german navy
    Taxes raised, money borrowed to pay for this –>remained in debt
  • Admiral Von Tirpiz argued Germany needed to rebuild large battleships to compete with British navy. He became secretary of state of the Navy several laws passed
  • 1st Naval law: commissioned 19 battleships & 50 cruisers
    2nd naval law: doubled the fleet size (19 to 38 battleships)
    3rd naval law: commissioned6 large cruisers
    4th naval law: reduced age battleships replaced from 20-25 years
    5th naval law: commissioned 3 more battleships
  • WW1 1914 - 1918

    When first broke out, been very popular in Germany -> thought it was great fun & expected to win but was a nightmare for soldiers & civilians
  • Impacts of WW1:
    Food shortages: British blockade
    British navy stopped supply of ships getting to Germany -> cause terrible food shortages
    1915 bread rationing also shortages of clothes, medicine & fuel
  • Impacts of WW1

    Disease and Illness:
    During 1918 Spanish Influenza swept across Europe, nearly half a million citizens, 200,000 soldiers killed in the summer
    Food shortages made them weak, unable to fight the disease
  • Impacts on WW1:

    War weariness:
    1915, 500 women gathered in front of Reichstag wanting their men back from the trenches
    1916, 10000 workers protested, shouting “Down with war, down with the government"
  • Impact of WW1

    Unexpected defeat:
    start war: German expected to win 1918 General Lundendorff said Germany could never win war, they should surrender, Kaiser Wilhelm refused
  • Impact of WW1

    Mutiny revolution:
    28th October, navy ordered to attack British ships, sailors refused, didn’t want to fight anymore, mutiny spread others refused
    Support for socialist & communist increased, wanted to overthrow kaiser
    9th November 1918 Kaiser abdicated
  • Freidrich Evert, one of the leaders of Germany largest political party, SPD (socialist) took Kaisers place as leader, promise to hold elections
    11th November 1918, 11am Germany signed armistice, surrendering from WW1
    Consequence: the shock defeat & armistice made Germans lose confidence, pride in the country
  • By end of WW1:

    Germany virtually bankrupt, huge debt to countries(eg USA)
    Deep divisions in rich & poor
    60,000 war widows, 2 million Germans without fathers
    Kaiser abdicated, new government take over
  • Treaty Of Versailles: 1919
    June 1919 Germany signed Treaty of Versailles
  • Treaty of Versailles consequences: Land

    Germany lost 13% of its land, 6 million living there
    Much of the lost land had important raw materials
    German troops were not allowed in the Rhineland (sat on the French border) France wanted to feel safe
    Overseas colonies were taken away
  • Treaty Of Versailles consequence: Army
    Reduced to 100,000 troops
    Navy cut to 15,000 sailors, 6 battleships
    No submarines, tanks or airforce
  • Treaty of Versailles consequence: Money
    1921 Reparations were set to $6.6 billion
  • Treaty Of Versailles consequences: Blame
    ‘war guilt clause' included the treaty - Germany had to accept responsibility for starting war
    -> This allowed alloues to demand compensation for all damages caused
  • Treaty Of versailles: Germans hated the treaty

    They thought it was too harsh -treaty took away large areas of land, losing people, factories, farms & mines
    Hated the treaty it forced Germany, without discussion, many Germans called it ‘diktat' (dictated peace)
    Germans felt they didn’t lose the war, but betrayed by the new politicians, when the Kaiser left referred as November Criminals
  • Proportional representation: voting system percentage of votes = percentage of seats at the Reichstag
  • Consequences of Proportional Representation:
    Many parties were gaining seats but no party was strong enough to rule they needed coalitions of parties
  • Article 48: in an emergency the President didn’t need and agreement of Reichstag to act
  • Sparticist Uprising 1919
    January 1919 led by Rosa and Karl wanted Germany ruled by communist & hoped for a revolution like Russia
    Tried to seize power, organised a general strike, 100,000 workers attended, seized the government newspaper, communication offices
  • Spartacist Uprising 1919

    Ebert dealt with army commander - killing German communist leaders, allowed old army more freedom
    Also enlisted help of freikorps (ex soldiers hated the spartacist & wanted to bring back the kaiser)
  • Sparatcist Uprising 1919

    Spartacists ruthlessly put down the Freikorps, many died.
    Leader of the Spartacists died, Weimar Germany survived, taken a lot of violence -> relying on the Freikorps made him look weak
  • Kapp Putsch, March 1920

    Freikorps grew strength after Spartacist revolt
    March 1920, government tried to disband the Freikorps -> Freikorps lost control
    Freikorps didn‘t want to be want to be unemployed again -> became against the governmet
    5000, Freikorps marched to Beelin & declared a new government
    Weimar fled to Berlin, encouraged Berlin workers to go strike
    The strike made Berlin to a standstill -> difficult for government to operate essential services
    -> collapsed Putsch 4 days later , Weimar government restored
  • During WW1 Kaiser spent huge amounts of money, borrowing money led to country debt
    Printing more money decreased its value, leading to inflation
  • Inflation & inability to pay reparations
    Printing more money lead to inflation - money devalued & prices increased
    Treaty Of Versailles made Germany pay $6.6 billion in reparations by 1984
    End of 1921, Germany state they were unable to pay reparations