Cards (32)

  • Urbanisation - an increase in the proportion of people living in cities compared to rural areas
  • Urban growth - an increase in the area covered in cities
  • Rural-urban migration - movement from rural to urban areas, often due to economic opportunities or better services
  • Slum - a settlement with poor housing conditions, overcrowding, lack of basic amenities such as water supply and sanitation.
  • Informal sector - unregulated employment that is not taxed by the government, including street vendors, domestic workers, and small businesses.
  • Megacity - a city with a population exceeding ten million people.
  • Natural increase - when the birth rate exceeds the death rate
  • Rural push factors:
    • Poor services and infrastructure
    • Lack of good jobs
  • Urban Pull Factors:
    • Better facilities and infrastructure
    • More job opportunities
  • Natural increase is higher in cities because young people move into cities for work and start families, whereas older people retire to the country
  • Rio is in Southeast Brazil.
    It is made up of:
    •North zone - industry, slums
    •Centro - business centre, historic buildings
    •West zone - Wealthy suburbs, Olympic stadiums
    •South zone - tourist hotels, luxury flats
  • Rio has attracted migrants from:
    UK/USA - skilled workers
    China/South Korea - business
    Amazon basin/Brazil - new jobs
  • Average school dropout age - 14
  • 12% of population had no running water - 300km new pipes built
  • Schools of Tomorrow:
    Life skills
    Nursery fees paid for teenage parents
  • Favelas are informal settlements with poor sanitation, overcrowding and high crime rates.
  • Favela Bairro project:
    • Street names
    Cable cars to help people access employment/hospitals
  • Favela Bairro project:
    • Improved quality of life
    • Improved employment
    Infrastructure hard to maintain
    Residents still untrained/unqualified
  • Poor energy access in favelas - leads to people illegally and dangerously tapping into mains supply
  • 2013 - Pacifying Police Units sent in to reclaim favelas from drug gangs
  • Air pollution/congestion:
    • Poor favela roads - most drive on main roads
    • High crime levels - more people drive for safety
  • Air pollution/congestion solutions:
    Expansion of metro system
    • Making roads one-way during rush hour
  • Water pollution:
    •Government didn't build favelas - open sewage pipes pollute rivers
    •Many cruise ships visit - damage coral an empty fuel tanks in Guanabara bay
  • Water pollution solutions:
    5km of sewage pipes built
    • Ships fined for fuel pollution
  • Waste pollution:
    • Rubbish vans can't fit in favela streets - waste dumped on streets - disease spreads
  • Waste pollution solutions:
    • New power plant turns rubbish into electricity
  • Favela infant mortality rate - 50 in 1000
  • Air pollution - 5000 deaths/year
  • Favela murder rate - 20 in 1000
  • Services in favelas:
    • 12% have no running water
    • 30% have no electricity
    • 50% have no sewage disposal
  • Favela unemployment - 20%
  • PPUs:
    • Reclaiming favelas from drug gangs
    • People mistrust police
    • Lower crime rates