found that participants found it difficult to generate lists of randomnumbers while simultaneously switching between number and letters on a keyboard because the two tasks appeared to be competing for the same CE resources
D'Esposito et al. (1995) used fMRI scans and identified that the pre-frontal cortex is activated when verbal and spatial tasks are performed at the same time, suggesting that the PFC is involved in CE
conducted a case study of an individual known as SC, who suffered braindamage affecting the functioning of the PL but not the visuo-spatialsketchpad (VSS), suggesting that the PL and VSS are separate systems
participants recalled more short words in serial order than longer words, and concluded that the capacity of the PL is set by the duration of words and not the number of words
PET scans indicate that the left hemisphere of the brain is activated with visual tasks, and that the right hemisphere is activated with spatial information
Temporarily stores information combined together from the central executive (CE), the phonological loop (PL), the visuo-spatial sketchpad (VSS) and long-term memory
Corrects problems caused by the limited capacity of both the PL and VSS as well as problems with CE storage of visual and acoustic information
used fMRI scans and found greaterright-frontal brain activation for combinedverbal and spatial information, but greaterposterior activation for non-combinedinformation