explain the cultural deprivation theory including key writer
bereiter and engleman- consider language spoken by low income black american families as inadequate for education success. see it as not gramatical and disjoinnted
explain the english as an aditional language theory incluing key writers
gilborn and mirza- found indian student do very well in education despite english being their second language
explain the attitude and values subcultural, fatalistic values including key writers
sugarman- many ethnic minority grous also find themselves in poverty due to wider racism (eg not having the same job opportunities)-therefore we csn sooly w/c subcultures to some ethnic minority groups also.
what did moynihan say about family structure and support
'many black families are headed by a single mother = deprved of adequate care'
what did murray say about family structure and support
lack of positive role models
what did scruton say about family structure and support
failure to embrace/assimilate into mainstream british culture
what did pryce say about family structure and support
asians more resistant to racism than black- who suffer from low self esteem and therefore underachieve
what did sewell say about family support and stucutre
fathers,gangs and culture - lac of tough love from absent fathers means black boys get preserve loyalty and love from gang culture and ultra-tough black media images and other black boys which are anti school
what was said about the Asian work ethic and key writers
sewell and lupton - while many black families have absent fathers in Sewells view indian and chinese pupils beifit from supportive parents who support the school system because it is similar to home
what was said about the white working class and key writers
lupton - white working class pupils often underachieve possibly due to lack of parental support. teachers reported poorer levels of behaviour and disipline in white working class schools