B10.5 The Eye (Close and Far Objects)

Cards (9)

  • What must the lens be to refract light from a close object?
    Short and Fat
  • What do the muscles in the eye do when an Object is close?
    • Ciliary Muscles contract inwards towards the lens
    • Suspensory ligaments slacken so the lens can return to its regular fat shape
    • This is so it can refract light more strongly, so it hits the Fovea
  • What do the muscles in the eye do when an Object is far away?
    • Ciliary muscles relax outwards from the lens
    • Suspensory Ligaments pull the lens taut to weaken the strength light is refracted at
  • What is the Scientific name for Long-Sightedness?
  • What does it mean if you have Long-Sightedness?
    • Your eye can't refract light enough, causing images to be focused behind the retina
    • This means close object appear blurry
  • How can Long-Sightedness be fixed?
    • Spectacles with a Convex lens refracts the light more so it focuses better on the Fovea
  • What is the scientific name for Short-Sightedness?
  • What does it mean if you have Short-Sightedness?
    • Your eye over refracts light rays, causing the image to be focused before the retina
    • This makes far objects blurry
  • How can Short-Sightedness be fixed?
    • Spectacles with Concave lenses, to counteract the refracting the eye would be doing