distribution channel

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  • In the marketing mix, getting products from the producer to the intended user is known as a place or distribution channel. Essentially, it encompasses how and where the product is purchased. This movement typically involves a collaboration of intermediaries such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. By strategically utilizing the right place, a business can significantly boost sales and sustain them for a longer duration, which leads to a larger market share, increased revenues, and higher profits
  • Types of Distribution Channels ⦁ Direct Distribution Channel: In this channel, products are sold directly from the manufacturer to the end consumer. No intermediary is involved, allowing for better control over pricing and customer experience.
  • Indirect Distribution Channel: This channel involves one or more intermediaries between the manufacturer and the end consumer. These intermediaries may include wholesalers, retailers, or distributors who help distribute products to the target market.
  • Dual Distribution Channel: This channel uses multiple distribution channels simultaneously to reach different customer segments or markets. It may include a combination of direct, indirect, online, or other channels to maximize market coverage and cater to specific customer preferences.
  •  Reverse Distribution Channel: Reverse distribution refers to handling product returns, recycling, or disposing of products at the end of their life cycle. This channel involves the reverse flow of products from the end consumer to the manufacturer, ensuring proper disposal.
  • types of intermediaries 1. agent 2. wholesaler 3. retailer
  • Agent: work on behalf of the manufacturer and facilitate the sale of products to customers. They don't take ownership of the products but earn commissions on successful sales. Agents can have specific regional or industry expertise, providing valuable market knowledge.
  • Wholesaler: purchase large quantities of products from manufacturers and sell them to retailers or other businesses. They serve as middlemen to distribute products to smaller retailers who cannot purchase directly from the manufacturer.
  • Retailer: operate physical stores or online platforms directly selling products to the end consumer. They typically purchase products from wholesalers or distributors and focus on marketing, providing customer service, and creating a brand experience.