human defence systems

Cards (9)

  • how does the skin prevent pathogens from entering the body?
    • physical barrier
    • scab formation
  • how does the nose protect the body against pathogens?
    hair & mucus trap pathogens
  • how does the trachea & bronchi protect the body from pathogens?
    secrete mucus to trap pathogens
  • how does the stomach protect the body against pathogens?
    secretes hydrochloric acid which kills pathogens in food
  • how does the immune system defend against disease?
    producing white blood cells
  • what is phagocytosis?
    white blood cells engulf foreign cells & digest them
  • how does antibody production prevent disease?
    • white blood cells produce antibodies
    • antibodies are complementary to a specific antigen on a pathogen
    • antibodies bind to antigens so they can be found & destroyed by other white blood cells
    • if the person is infected with the same pathogen, white blood cells can rapidly produce the antibodies to kill it - memory cells
  • how does antitoxin production prevent disease?
    antitoxins bind to toxins released by pathogens & neutralise them
  • how do the eyes prevent pathogens from entering the body
    produce tears which contain enzymes which kill bacteria