research in reproductive health should be encouraged by government organisation
Statuotary check female foeticides need to be implemented
abstitence - no intercourse
Coitus Interruptus - withdrawalmethod
LAM - lactationamenorrheamethod
IUD - intrauterine devices
MMR - MaternalMortalityRate
IMR - InfantMortalityRate
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), reproductive health means a total well-being in all aspects of reproduction, i.e., physical, emotional, behavioural and social
India was amongst the first countries in the world to initiate action plans and programmes at a national level to attain total reproductive health as a social goal. These are popularly termed as Reproductive and child healthcare (RCH) programmes.
Keeping in view the concerns of reproductive health, Government of India initiate Family Planning programme in 1951 and 'Reproductive and Child Healthcare' programme (RCH) in 1997
Government and non-government agencies have taken various steps to create awareness about consequences of uncontrolled population growth, social evils like sex abuse, sex related crimes etc
Introduction of sex- education in schools and colleges is another step to provide right information to the youth.Sexeducation save the young people from myths and misconceptions about sex related issues.
Medical assistance be provided and people should be cared in reproduction related problems like pregnancy, delivery.STDS,abortions, menstrual problems etc. Implementation of better techniques and new strategies from time to time is also required to provide more efficient care and assistance to people.
Inserted by doctors in the uterus through the vagina, which increases the phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus. Includes non-medicated, hormone-releasing, and copper-releasing IUDs
Timely detection and proper treatment of STIs are important as they can lead to pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortions, ectopic pregnancies, infertility and even cancer of the reproductive tract
All these ART techniques require extremely high precision handling by specialized professionals and expensive instruments. Therefore, their benefits are limited to certain countries and people.