ethical issues

Cards (6)

  • BPS code of ethical conduct
    ethical principles within which ethical issues are considered
  • failure to protect from physical or psychological harm
    -explain with right to withdraw
    -allow questions
    -offer therapy
    -have a medical team onsite
  • lack of informed consent (16+)
    -consent form including all details
    -retrospective = ask after
    -presumptive = ask similar people to the participants
  • deception
    active = saying its on something its not :(
    passive = not telling the full aims but outlining it :)
    -right to withdraw
    -general consent = give a list of studies and ask if they'd be ok
  • failure to keep confidentiality
    -identities not disclosed
    -results not identifiable
    -no asking for personal details - if necessary then they must be kept in a secure/locked location
  • invasion of privacy
    -conduct in public where people would normally expect to be observed