interviews vs questionnaires

Cards (12)

  • open questions = free to answer
    :) more detailed
    :) allows unanticipated responses that could reveal more valid information
    :( time consuming
    :( difficult to analyse
  • closed questions = pre-determined response (tick box or scale)

    :) easy to analyse
    :) high replicability
    :( p's may get frustrated
    :( can lead to overly simplistic responses
  • interview structures
    -structured = same questions
    -semi-structured = same questions but with the opportunity for follow-up questions
    -unstructured = like a chat
  • interview
    -researcher present
    :) can clarify questions
    :) can be flexible to allow detailed explanations
    :( time consuming for the participant and researcher
    :( may require a trained interviewer
  • questionnaires
    -no jargon
    -no personal questions
    -kept anonymous
    -easier questions at the start
    -researcher not present
  • questionnaires
    :) quick and easy = no researcher needed
    :) kept anonymous = truthful responses
    :( questions may be misinterpreted
    :( not possible to get in-depth information
  • what type of questions do interviews and questionnaires us?
    both use open and closed questions
  • which needs a researcher present?
  • Self-report methods
    Social desirability effect may cause people to give untruthful responses
  • Self-reports
    People may not tell the truth, resulting in subjective information
  • Interviews ensure standardisation in data collection by using a predetermined set of questions that are asked in the same order and manner to all participants, minimising bias and ensuring consistent data collection
  • quantitative vs qualitative
    -quantitative = numbers, measurable
    -qualitative = words, descriptive