Module 4

Cards (20)

  • Nursing as an art
    Nursing is itself an art. It can be drama, it can be dialogue, it can be a comedy. The patient can be viewed as an inspiration to and participant in the art of nursing.
  • Purpose of art
    • Involves communication of emotions to invoke a response
  • Nursing is an art
  • Concepts related to the art of nursing
    • Caring
    • Compassion
    • Optimism
    • Empathy
  • Caring
    Means comforting, providing presence, knowing the client, listening, family care, spiritual caring
  • Five processes of caring
    • Knowing
    • Doing for
    • Being with
    • Enabling
    • Maintaining belief
  • Alfaro, R.: 'The Nursing as an Art, derives its philosophical pedestal from the consideration of life as a fundamental value and unfolds the art of care-healing cased with moral, philosophical, mental, social and scientific values of every epoch'
  • Nursing as an art involves applying theoretical content to the development of basic nursing care of client in a clinical setting, appraising client condition in the context of the health and illness continuum, demonstrating responsibility for own behavior and growth as an adult learner and a professional, demonstrating high sense of student engagement, and utilizing appropriate technology (media) in the development of nursing care plan and using learning management system to enhance knowledge delivery
  • Nursing as an art involves practicing core values in day to day activities
  • the nursing as an art
    its philosophical pedestal from the consideration of life as a fundamental value and unfolds the art of care-healing cased with moral, philosophical, mental, social
    and scientific values of every epoch".
  • Knowing for
    Is striving to understand an event as it has meaning in the life of other
  • doing for
    is doing for the others as he or she would do for the self if it were at all possible
  • enabling
    is facilitating the other’s passage through life transitions (e.g. birth, death, and unfamiliar events)
  • being with
    being emotionally present to the other
  • maintaining belief
    sustaining faith in the other’s capacity to get through an event or transition and face a future with meaning
  • Five processes of caring: knowing, doing for, maintaining belief, enabling, being with
  • jean watson
    “the essence of nursing is caring”
  • care in nurse practice:
    • providing presence
    • comforting
    • listening
    • knowing the client
    • spiritual caring
    • family care
  • art
    is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions
  • art
    “both human creative skill or its application”