Metallic bonding is the formation of a lattice (grid) of ions surrounded by a seaofdelocalisedelectrons. As the electrons are free to move, metals are good conductors of heat & electricity.
What is ionic bonding?
How metals bond to non-metals. Metal atoms donate electrons to non-metals to form ions.
How can we show ionic bonding?
Dot and crossdiagrams show the electrons on the outer shells. Metals always end up with an empty outer shell, non-metals with 8 electrons.
What are ionic structures?
A lattice of repeating units of positive and negative ions.
What do ionic substances have and how?
They have high melting/boiling points due to the strong ionic bonds (ions have strong electrostatic forces between them)
How can ions conduct electricity?
When molten or dissolved in a solution. This is because the ions are free to move and carry a charge.
What are positive and negative ions also known as?
Positive ions are known as cations, and negative ions are known as anions.
What are covalent bonds?
How non-metals bond to each other.
Atoms share electrons to gain full outer shells.
Every bond consists of a pair of shared electrons
How can we show covalent bonds?
Via dot & cross diagrams or the structural formula
Why do simple covalent bonds have low boiling ponts?
Due to weak intermolecular forces meaning little energy is needed to overcome them
What are giant covalent bonds?
Structures that consist of repeating units of atoms to make giant molecules.
What do giant covalent bonds have?
Very high melting points due to the covalent bonds needing to be broken.
Why is diamond so strong?
Because of its very strong bonds consisting of carbon.
What is graphite?
An allotrope of carbon.
It consists of layers of carbons with three bonds each in a hexagonal structure.
What is an allotrope?
Made out of same atoms but bonded together in a different way
What are some properties of graphite?
Delocalised electrons that form weak bonds between layers
Can conduct electricity as electrons can move
Layers can slide past each other (good for pencils)
What are alloys?
Mixtures of metals: different size atoms disrupt the lattice, so layers cannot slide over each other easily making it strong
What are fullerenes/nanotubes used for?
Electronics,composites and medical purposes
What is a property of fullerenes/nanotubes?
Strong and conduct electricity due to delocalised electrons