The geneticexplanation shows criminality as inherited as geneticspredispose individuals to crime
Tiihonen (2014) hypothesised 2 candidategenes for crime through a study of 900Finnishoffenders who were 13 times more likely to offend with the MAOA and CDH13 genes
The MAOA gene controls dopamine and serotonin levels and is linked to aggressivebehaviour
the CDH13 gene has been linked to substanceabuse and attentionaldeficitdisorder
The geneticexplanation shows criminality as a Diathesis-stressmodel
The neuralexplanation for crime focuses on how neurotransmitters react with different areas of the brain and nervoussystem to causecriminality
neuralexplanations often link criminality and anti-socialpersonalitydisorder as it is associated with a lack of empathy which is a characteristiccommonly found in offenders
Raine (2000) show criminals as having lowerlevels of activity in their prefrontalcortex EG an 11% reduction in greymatter
Individuals with anti-socialpersonalitydisorder may experience empathy but more sporadically than others
Lange (1930) who studied 13monozygotic and 17dizygotic twin pairs where at least one had served a prisonsentence and found monozygotic twins were more likely to have a co-twin who had also served a prisonsentence
Christianson (1977) studied 3,500 twin pairs in Denmark and found a 35% concordance rate for monozygotic twins committing crime compared to 16% for dizygotic twins
Strength; Crowe (1972) found adopted people whose biologicalmother had committed crime were 50% more likely to offend showing it is not environmental but genetic
Weakness; research into candidategenes is in its early stages
weakness; twinstudies are only correlational
Weakness; Findlay (2011) claims crime cannot be genetic as it is sociallyconstructed
Weakness; sociallysensitive as it can allow offenders to excuse their crimes