Persecution of minorities

Cards (9)

  • Nazi beliefs on certain groups
    • Hitler and the Nazis had firm views on race
    • They believed that certain groups were inferior and were a threat to the purity of the Aryan race
    • There were many groups who were targeted for persecution, including Slavs (Eastern Europeans), gypsies, homosexuals and the disabled - but none more so than the Jews.
  • Nazi racial beliefs
    • The Nazis’ racial philosophy taught that Aryans were the master race and that some races were ‘untermensch’ (sub-human)
    • Many Nazi scientists at this time believed in eugenics, the idea that people with disabilities or social problems were degenerates whose genes needed to be eliminated from the human bloodline
    • The Nazis pursued eugenics policies vigorously
  • What the Nazis did to persecute minorities
    • Sterilisation - To keep the Aryan race pure, many groups were stopped from reproducing. The disabled and deaf, were sterilised, as were people with hereditary diseases
    • Euthanasia - Between 1939-1941 over 100,000 disabled Germans were killed in secret, without their families consent. Victims were often gassed
    • Concentration camps - Homosexuals, prostitutes, Jehovah's Witnesses, gypsies, alcoholics, pacifists, beggars, hooligans and criminals were rounded up and sent away to camps. During WW2 85% of Germany's gypsies died in camps
  • How persecution changed
    • The group most heavily targeted for persecution by the Nazis were the Jews of Germany
    • The outbreak of World War Two brought the horror of mass killings and the Final Solution
    • But the period 1933 saw a gradual increase in persecution, reaching a turning point during Kristallnacht in November 1938
  • What the persecution of Jews was like in 1933 (Summary - Jobs)
    • Nazis organised a boycott of Jewish businesses.
    • Books by Jewish authors were publicly burnt.
    • Jewish civil servants, lawyers and teachers were sacked.
    • Race science lessons were introduced, teaching that Jews were sub-human.
  • What the persecution of Jews was like in 1935 (Summary - Rights)
    • The Nuremberg Laws formalised anti-Semitism into the Nazi state by: 
    • Stripping Jews of German citizenship.
    • Outlawing marriage and sexual relations between Jews and Germans.
    • Taking away from Jews all civil and political rights
  • What the persecution of Jews was like in 1938 (Summary - Opportunities and Name)
    • Jews could not be doctors.
    • Jews had to add the name Israel (men) or Sarah (women) to their name.
    • Jewish children were forbidden to go to school.
    • Kristallnacht - 9 November. The SS organised attacks on Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues in retaliation for the assassination of the German ambassador to France by a Jew
  • Jewish response to persecution
    • Many Jews saw the events of Kristallnacht as a turning point
    • Up until then there had been a progressive erosion of their rights but Jews had not been physically threatened or attacked
    • When their businesses and homes were destroyed and their synagogues were burnt down, many concluded that their time in Germany was up
    • Those who were able to fled and a scheme to evacuate Jewish children to Britain, called the Kindertransport, began.
  • What was the persecution of Jews like in 1939
    • Jews were forbidden to own a business, or even a radio.  
    • By the outbreak of World War Two in September 1939, the Jews were stateless, their employment options in Germany were severely restricted and they feared for their safety