experimental design

Cards (6)

  • independent groups design
    = different ps in each condition, randomly allocated
  • independent measures evaluation
    :) less demand characteristics = only 1 condition = higher internal validity
    :) no order effects (boredom, practice)
    :( high levels of individual differences
    :( more time consuming to obtain twice as many ps as other designs
    :( more costly to pay twice as many ps
  • repeated measures design
    = same ps in each condition
    MUST COUNTERBALANCE = 1/2 a>b and 1/2 b>A = balanced order effects
  • repeated measures evaluation
    :) no individual differences (same in each)
    :) less time consuming because only 1 group
    :( demand characteristics = can figure out the aim
    :( order effects unless controlled by counterbalancing
  • matched pairs design
    = similar ps in each condition based on characteristics and 1 of each pair is randomly allocated to a condition
  • matched pairs evaluation
    :) no order effects
    :) less demand characteristics
    :( difficult to match people on a valid/relevant criteria
    :( time consuming to assess ps for the similarities to match them