Key Terms

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  • Human rights
    Basic rights entitled to all people as human beings
  • Human rights norms
    Cultural ways of living foundational to human rights
  • Civil society groups
    NGOs promoting democracy and human rights globally
  • Treaty
    Formally concluded agreement between countries
  • Infant mortality rate
    Percentage of children dying before age one in a specific area
  • Intervention
    Use of military force to end human rights violations
  • Humanitarian intervention
    Military force use to protect human rights and humanitarian goals
  • United Nations
    Organization promoting international peace and security
  • Geopolitics
    Global political power balance and international relations
  • Forced labour
    Work done under threat, including children and exploited individuals
  • Maternal Mortality Rate

    Number of women dying per 100,000 births
  • Capital punishment
    Punishment by death
  • Gender inequality
    Empowerment of one gender to the detriment of the other
  • Millennium Development Goals
    International development goals to achieve by 2015
  • Reproductive health
    Health of reproductive organs in all individuals
  • Global Governance
    International institutions governing the global economy
  • NGOs
    Non-governmental organizations
  • TNCs
    Transnational companies operating in multiple countries