4levelsofviolence, political, structural, symbolic and everyday (physical) (by Nancy Sheper-Hughes).
Feminist theory
Mosthumanbehaviourcanbeexplained from a woman'spoint of view.Womancan be controlled and exploited by men (by MargaretMead and SherryOrtner).
Functionalist theory
Each aspect of society depends on each other and each contributes to the overall stability and functioning of that society.
Structural functionalism
Mosthumanbehaviour can be explained by howwearecontrolled by the structuresofsociety.
Marxist theory
Allbehaviourintheworld is explained by theconceptofpower. Only a fewpeople in the worldcontrolmost of the wealth and political power, they also control the worldseconomy (by KarlMarx).
Actor network theory
Doesn't just focus on people, but also howobjectsandtechnology affect our lives.