Random exam qs

Cards (16)

  • A person with AIDS may take longer than a healthy person to recover from a salmonella infection. Explain why (2 marks)
    • immune system is damaged
    • white blood cells cannot kill bacteria
  • Give one change to the investigation that would allow the scientist to check if the results are repeatable (1 mark)

    Repeat and look to see if results are similar
  • A student made the following hypothesis about the heart rate of smokers and non-smokers during exercise
    ”during exercise, the heart rate of smokers increases more than the heart rate of non smokers”
    design an investigation that would look you to test the hypothesis. 6
    • two groups of people - non-smokers and smokers
    • have at least 5 people in each group
    • get each person to do (named) exercise
    • controlled variables: same gender, same age etc
    • record heart rate for each person before and after exercise
    • calculate increase in heart rate for each person after exercise
    • compare results for each group
  • Which type of blood vessel carries blood to the right atrium?
    B- VEIN
  • Compare the structure of an artery with the structure of a vein (3 marks)

    • arteries have thicker muscular walls than veins, theirs are thinner
    • veins have valves, arteries don‘t
    • veins have a wider lumen than arteries
  • A patient may be fitted with an artificial pacemaker.
    what condition may be treated using an artificial pacemaker?
    An irregular heart beat
  • Explain why the masses of the eggs increased? (3 marks)

    • water entered by osmosis
    • from a dilute solution in the beaker to a more concentrated solution in the egg
    • through a partially permeable membrane
  • Explain how the student could modify the investigation to determine the concentration of the solution inside of the egg. (3 marks)
    • use five different concentrations of salt/sugar solution
    • plotting percentage change on a graph
    • determine the concentration where the curve/line crosses the zero percentage change
  • An aphid feeds by inserting its sharp mouthpiece into the stem of a plant
    give the reason why the mouthpiece of an aphid contains a high concentration of dissolved sugars after feeding. (1 mark)
    • aphid has been feeding from the phloem
  • Plants with aphids may show symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
    magnesium deficiency symptoms include:
    • yellow leaves
    • stunted growth
    explain how a deficiency of magnesium could cause these symptoms (5 marks)
    • yellow leaves due to a lack of chlorophyll
    • so less light absorbed by chlorophyll
    • so lower rate of photosynthesis
    • therefore plant makes less glucose
    • so plant converts less glucose into protein for growth
  • A farmer thinks a potato crop is infected with potato virus Y (PVY).
    the farmer obtains a monoclonal antibody test kit for PVY.
    to make the monoclonal antibodies a scientist first isolates the PVY protein from the virus.
    describe how the scientist would use the protein to produce the PVY monoclonal antibody (4 marks)
    • inject the protein with dead or inactive pathogens into mouse
    • combine lymphocytes with tumour cells to make hybridoma cells
    • find a hybridoma which makes a monoclonal antibody specific to PVY
    • clones to produce many cells to make the antibody
  • How much more milk would a typical adult have to drink to get their RDA for calcium compared with the amount of milk needed to get their RDA for vitamin B-12?
    500/605 x 100 = 826.446281
    Vitamin B-12:
    500/4.5 x 2.4 = 266.67
    take them away to get:
  • Describe how a student could test cow’s milk to show whether it contains protein and different type of carbohydrates (6 marks)
    • biuret solution tests for protein
    • add biuret to milk
    • solution will turn from blue to lilac if protein is present
    • add Benedicts solution to milk and heat to 100 degrees Celsius
    • solution will turn from blue to brick red if positive
    • iodine solution tests for starch
    • add iodine solution to milk
    • solution will turn from orange to blue/black if positive
  • Explain why the indicator in both tubes became colourless (3 marks)
    • lipids breaks down fat into fatty acids
    • fatty acids lower the pH
    • fatty acids cause the pH to be below 10
  • Give the reason why the measurement of the time taken for the indicator to become colourless might be inaccurate (1)
    Observation of colour change is subjective/based on opinion
  • Explain the difference in the results for the two test tubes in table 9
    • bile emulsifies fats
    • creates a larger surface area
    • so lipase can break down fat more quickly