descriptive statistics

Cards (9)

  • nominal data- mode, pie-chart or bar-chart
    = data in categories that is tallied (number of ps who listen to music on a phone, laptop or tv)
  • ordinal data - median > bar-chart but scattergram for correlation
    = data where each p has a score that can be ranked in order
  • interval data- mean> histogram but scattergram for correlation

    = an already existing, universal, precise measurement with equal units (temp , distance , time)
  • histograms
    x axis = frequency, mean, %
    y axis = measurement scale
  • mean
    :) takes all values into account
    :( distorted by extreme values
  • median
    :) simple
    :) not distorted by extreme values
    :( doesn't take all values into account
  • mode
    :) simple
    :( may have multiple modes = meaningless
  • range
    :) simple
    :( doesnt include all data
  • standard deviation
    the spread of data around the mean
    -low SD = closely clustered
    -high SD = widely spread
    -SD of 0 = all numbers are the same
    :( requires the mean and is difficult to calculate