Cards (14)

  • What was the significance of the liberal tory reforms
    • After 1822 tories had a more liberal attitude towards reform (minimal reform 1812-20)
    • However, failure to introduce parliamentary/social reform showed no significant difference between the two governments
  • What was Free Trade
    Merchants faced tariffs & restrictions to protect British businesses e.g. raw materials
  • Introduction of free trade (1820) - no protectionism
    • Reduced import duties introduced on range of goods e.g. cotton, tea, alcohol, iron etc
    • Removed Imperial Preference, no longer trade through Britain & lower duties on colony goods 
    • Modified obsolete restrictions (1600s Navigation Laws)
    • Modified corn laws, sliding scale on import duties (as price fell, duty increased)
  • Positive results of Free Trade
    • Cheaper raw materials 
    • Exports increased (competitive)
    • Smuggling began to disappear 
    • Step towards free trade
  • Negative results of Free Trade
    • Lost income from duties 
    • 1825, slump in exports (overproduction)
    • Unemployment & machine breaking 
    • Wrongly blamed Huskisson
  • Repeal of the Combination Laws (1824)
    • Laws were inefficient, unions still existed as ‘friendly societies’ - unemployment benefits 
    • Workers unhappy because they were outlawed (joined protests)
  • Results of the repeal of the Combination Laws
    • Hundreds of unions were formed and came out in the open 
    • 1825, strikes for better wages made industrialists pressure gov to compromise 
    • 1825, The Amending Act, unions ONLY negotiate wages, work hrs & not allowed to obstruct work
  • The Penal Code reform
    • Death penalty abolished for 180 crimes (other than murder & treason)
    • Punishments were made less severe & jury system was reorganised 
    • Abolishion of burying suicides at cross roads with a stake through the heart
  • Results of the penal code reform
    • Genuine liberal & humanitarian reform 
    • Transportation still given for being in debt & public hanging continue until 1868 
    • Court procedure was still very slow
  • Problems with the Law & Order
    • Penal code was too severe (200 minor offences gained death penalty, 400 by transportation)
    • Overcrowded, filthy unsanitary prison conditions & child offenders put with hardened criminals 
    • Jailers were brutal and made living off prisoner bribes (no salary)
  • The Jails Act 1823
    • Magistrates to inspect prisons & jailers to be paid (female jailers for female prisoners)
    • All prisoners to receive basic healthcare & education
  • The Jails Act (1823)
    • Removed the worst abuses from prison system 
    • Only applied to large London prisons & small prisons remained as before
  • Results of the Jails Act 1829
    • Removed the worst abuses from prison system 
    • Only applied to large London prisons & small prisons remained as before
  • What was the Metropolitan Police Act (1829)
    • Introduced 1000 paid police controlled by commissioner at Scotland Yard
    • Paid by special rate & only armed with truncheons (not military)