Practical investigation

Cards (12)

  • Clinical Practical Investigation: Aim: To see if the media has changed the way in which mental health is presented in newspapers.
  • Clinical Practical Investigation: Sample: 2 “modern” (post-2000) articles, written from two different British news agencies and 2 “old” (pre-2000) articles written from two different British news agencies.
  • Clinical Practical Investigation: Method: Gather 2 new and  old articles on mental health. Conduct a summative content analysis on each article, use a  manifest (quantitative) and latent (qualitative) contest.
  • Clinical Practical Investigation: Summative content analysis. Steps:
    1.Give the research question
    2.Select the sample
    3.Define categories
    4.Give the procedure for coding
    5.Do the coding
    6.Consider how trustworthy the analysis is
    7.Analyse the results of the coding
  • Summative content analysis: A type of content analysis that focuses on the overall meaning of the text, collected from previous literature review.
  • Manifest content analysis: The quantifiable aspects of the text, such as word count or frequency of certain words/phrases.
  • Latent content analysis: The qualitative aspects of the text, including themes and ideas expressed by the author.
  • Clinical Practical Investigation: The word categories used were Positive words (support, acceptance, help) and negative words (fear, discrimination, dangerous).
  • Clinical Practical Investigation: Results: (Latent content) Old articiles had negative attitudes focused on the people with mental health problems. New articles were more positive attitudes about mental health, negativity focused on societies reaction.
  • Clinical Practical Investigation: Conclusion: The language used in new, more recent, media articles has changed to be more positive compared to negative attitudes in the old articles.
  • Clinical Practical Investigation: Improvements:
    Use more news articles- larger amount of data
    Use news articles from around the world- more generalisable.
  • Clinical Practical Investigation: Results: (Manifest Contest) The new articles had 12 positive words and 0 negative words. The old articles had 7 positive words and 7 negative words.