878 - peace was agreed between the Saxons and Vikings, leading to the establishment of the Danelaw
1066 - Norman conquest put the normans in control of England
1070 - William I invited Jewish merchants from Rouen to settle in England
1100-35 - Henry I issued a Charter of Liberties, defining the privileges of Jews and their legal status as the property of the king
1190, 1244, 1255 - Massacres of Jews in York, London and Lincoln
1266 - Henry III granted a charter to German Hansa merchants, giving them a lot of control over the English wool trade
1290 - Edward I issued an edict expelling Jews and encouraged Italian bankers to come to Britain
1348 - The Black Death reached England, creating a shortage of workers, and artisans, which created encouraging conditions for European migrants
1370 - Letters of denization gave foreign workers the same rights and protection as English citezens
1511 - An illustration shows John Blanke, a trumpeter, providing evidence of Black migrants as independent workers in England
1517 - 'Evil May Day' riots in London
1560s - Walloon migrants (from modern Belgium)
1560s and 1570s - John Hawkins led several voyages transporting Africans to the Americas ; Britain's growing involvement in the slave trade resulted in some enslaved Africans being brought to Britain
1600 - East India Company founded
1620-1650s - Cornelius Vermuyden carried out major projects to drain and reclaim land in England
1656 - Oliver Cromwell re-admitted Jews to Britain
1660 - Royal Africa Company founded
1685 - French Protestants, called Huguenots, had settled in England after the St Bartholomew Day's massacre in 1572 but the number of migrants increased after 1685, when Protestantism was banned in France
1709 - German Palatine migrants settled temporarily near London
1789 - Olaudah Equiano published his autobiography
1807,1833 - Legislation: abolition of the slave trade (1807); abolition of slavery (1833)
1829 - Catholic Emancipation Act
1840s - Railway mania involving extensive construction of railway lines
1840s - famine in Ireland
1880s - Many Jews settled in the East End of London, often seeking refuge in response to pogroms in Russia
1905 - Aliens Act
1914-18 - First world war
1931 - Dr Harold Moody established the League of Coloured Peoples
1936 - Battle of Cable Street, London
1939-45 - Second World War
1948 - British Nationality Act; migrants from the Caribbean arrived in Britain on the Empire Windrush
1958 - Notting Hill Riots
1959 - murder of Kelso Cochrane
Oswald Mosley's election campaign
Caribbean Carnival
1963 - Bristol Bus Boycott
Notting Hill housing trust formed
1965 - Race Relations Act
1970 - Trial of the Mangrove Nine
1972 - Ugandan Asians arrived in Britain
1973 - Britain joined the European Economic Community