Stem cell - an undifferentiatedcell which can differentiate to have different functions
Cell differentiation - the process where a cellbecomesspecialised to a function
Types of stem cells:
forms when an egg and spermcellfuse to form a zygote
can differentiate into any type of cell in the body
scientists can clone these and direct them to differentiate into almostanycell
can be used to replaceinsulin producing cells in patients with diabetes, new neural cells for diseases such as Alzheimers, or nerve cells fro those paralyzed with spinal cord injures
Adult stem cells
found in bone marrow
can differentiate into any cell in tissue or organ that they reside in
found in roots and shoot tips
can differentiate into any of plant cell, and can be done throughout the life of the plant
they can be used to make clones of plants, which may be necessary if the parent plant has a certain desirable feature (such as disease resistance)
can be used for research or to save a rare plant from extinction
Therapeutic cloning - involves an embryo being created with the samegenetic material as the patient
Therapeutic cloning:
embryoproduced can be harvested to obtain embryonicstem cells
these can be grown into any cells the patient needs
advantage of this is that they wouldn't be rejected as they would have the samegenetic make-up
Benefits of using stem cells:
can be used to replacedamaged or diseased body parts
unwantedembryos from fertilityclinics can be used, as they would be discarded instead
allows research to be done into the differentiationprocess
Problems with using stem cells:
scientists don't fully understand the process of differeniation, so it is hard to control which function cells will take on
removal of stem cell destroysembryo
people may have ethical or religious objections as it is seen as interference with natural process
if growing stem cells are contaminated with a virus, an infection can be transferred to patient
money and time could be better spent into other areas of medicine
very expensive
Advantage of of cloning plants using meristem stem cells;
Can prevent extinction of rare plants
Can produce large numbers of plants which have favourablecharacteristic