Basic Cooking method

Cards (12)

  • Relies on the presence of liquid or steam to cook foods.
  • This means cooking your food in water vapor over boiling water.
  • This cooking technique involves submerging food in water heated to the boiling point of 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • This involves a small amount of hot liquid, ideally at a temperature between 160 and 180f.
  • Works without any moisture, broth or water present. Instead, it relies on circulating hot air or contact with fat to transfer heat to foods.
  • Use indirect heat to surround foods and cook from all sides.
  • It is similar to boiling because grills use radiant heat to cook food quickly.
  • Performed inside an oven and uses indirect heat that cooks from all sides for even browning.
  • A popular cooking method that involves immersing food in hot oil or fat.
  • It is utilizes both dry and moist cooking foods. Foods are cooked in liquids at low heat for an extended period, resulting in fork-tender meat and veges.
  • Foods are first seared in hot oiled pan and transferred to a larger pot to cook in hot liquid.
  • It is completely submerges food in hot liquid. Use small cuts of meat in a stew, which are slow cooked at low heat.