Plot: the sequence of events in the story (the story line), driven by the conflict. The plot of a short story can usually be expressed in one sentence. A short story may not have all elements of the plot (ex. Begins with initiatingevent or end at climax).Complexliterature may have a plot and sub-plot with its own conflict. Plot typically follows: Introduction,initiatingevent,risingaction,climax,fallingaction, (denouement)
Introduction: will introduce us to the setting and the protagonist(s)
Initiatingevent: “kicksoff” the conflict and, hence, starts the risingaction. May be known by other terms such as activatingcircumstance.
Risingaction:intensifies the conflict and reveals the personalities of the characters which allows readers to feelsomething for them. When readers feel something for characters, they care about what is going to happen to them and want to read on. Foreshadowing is used, suspense is created, severalevents will consitute the risingaction.
Climax: the moment at which the reader learns how the protagonist‘s conflict is resolved.
Denouement: unansweredquestions are answered after the climax
Theme: a truthaboutlife the author wants to reveal or teach. It is implicit (implied) vs explicit (stated). We derive theme by reading betweenthelines by asking whathappened to the protagonist at the climax into a sentenceform (not a cliche). A theme is revealed by the evidence in the story. Because theme is relevant to people in general, it is not the topic of a piece of writing, but a comment on the topic (universal and therefore broadlyapplicable).
Pointofview: the narrator’srelationship to the story. The author uses a specificnarrator to tell the story.
Firstperson: events in the story are happening directly to the narrator.“I” or “we” are used. The character may be major (protagonist) or a minorcharacter
Omniscient: the narrator is “allknowing”. The narrator can know thoughts and feelings of any character, can make inferences, can relatepastevents, can move from location to location. The omniscientnarrator is not “tied” to one character.
Limitedomniscient: the narrator is limited to being “all knowing” with regard to usually onecharacter. The story is told through the character as opposed to by the character. The limitedomniscientnarrator may know more about the character than they do themselves. The story may be told through either a major or minorcharacter.
Objective: is the “eyeofthecamera” point of view. The narrator only relays what is seen and heard (external,observableactions). It often relies heaviliy on dialogue and is therefore also called the ”dramaticpointofview”.
Tone: the attitude adopted by the narrator (ex. Clinical,condescending,unsure,confused,confident,sympathetic, etc.) Tone originates, therefore, with a ‘person’ (narrator) where mood grows out of non-human elements.
Mood: the emotionalbackgroup of the story. It is an overallfeeling you get and is often conveyed through establishing the setting (often the weather); through presenting the thoughts, words, and actions of the characters; through specificuse of devices such as imagery, metaphors; through the diction, etc. Also referred to as atmosphere. Sometimes differentiated where atmosphere is created in the story and mood is the effect that the atmosphere has on the reader, the emotion that is evoked.
Style: the way the author chooses to convey the story. This may include choosing specific syntax, diction, imagery, figuresofspeech,pointofview, figurativelanguage,paragraphs, etc.
Artisticunity: a story achieves artisticunity when nothing can be added to it nor takenaway from it to make it a strongernarrative.
dilemma: a protagonist has a dilemma when they have to choose between twoundesirableoptions.
dramatic irony: when the audience knows more than the characters about the situation, and the characters are unaware of this
foreshadowing: the deliberatepassing of clues or hints to the reader about what might happen next. provides a trail of clues that lead the reader to a satisfyingclimax. Creates suspense by causing the reader to guess what might happennext. The reader then feels compelled to read further to see if the prediction comes true or not.
mystery: the quality in a story makes the reader ask why is this happening
situational irony: when things do not turn out as they should have you expect them to (the opposite of what is expected)
suspense: this is the quality of a story that makes the reader wonder what is going to happen next. mystery and dilemma are two ways of creatingsuspense.
symbolism: using an event, an object, a person, etc. to representsomethingelse. The symbol saves the author's explanation because the reader knows the story that goes with the symbol.
verbal irony: occurs when a speaker says the opposite of what they mean.
Falling action: the events after the climax. Some short stories may end at the climax and not have Any falling action.
setting: the time, place, circumstance of the story. Some stories have specific settings and some have vague, general settings. Circumstances create the social or environmentalbackdrop for the story. Conflict grows out of the circumstances
Protagonist: the character with whom we identify most, the person who has the conflict, and whose conflict is resolved at the climax. (Aka the maincharacter)
antagonist: the person, thing, or force working against the protagonist
Flatcharacter: an underdeveloped, one-dimensional character
roundcharacter: a well-developed character. many aspects of their personality and experiences are revealed.
Staticcharacter: a character whose personality/situationdoesnotchange during the story.
dynamiccharacter: a character who changes as a result of the events of the story. sometimes referred to as a “developingcharacter”
stockcharacter: a stereotypicalcharacter who is easilyrecognized
characterfoil: a character whose traitscontrast with another character, usually the protagonist.
Conflict: the struggle between the protagonist and the antagonist which begins with the initatingevent,intensifies with the rising action, and is resolved at the climax. Types: person vs self, person vs person,person vs environmental;society;fate