Types of long-term memory

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  • Episodic memory (EM)
    • Episodic memory is a form of LTM for events occurring in an individual's life.
  • Episodic memory:
    • Episodic LTM is the memory that gives people an autobiographical record of personal experiences (e.g. when their birthday is).
    • The strength of episodic memories are influenced by emotions present at the time a memory is coded.
    • Episodic memory is part of the explicit LTM (conscious).
  • Semantic memory (SM)
    • Semantic memory is a type of LTM for meanings, understandings and other concept-based knowledge.
  • Semantic memory:
    • Semantic LTM contains all knowledge (facts, concepts, meanings, etc.)
    • Semantic memory is learned.
    • Semantic memory is part of the explicit LTM.
  • Procedural memory (PM)
    • Procedural memory is a type of LTM for the performance of particular types of action.
  • Procedural memory:
    • Procedural LTM is a type of implicit memory.
    • This type of memory permits people to perform learned tasks with little conscious thought.
    • Riding a bike or speaking a language are examples of procedural memory.
    • Procedural memory doesn't require conscious thought, it allows people to simultaneously perform other cognitive tasks that require attention.