Generalpersonalitytheory (Eyesnck1947) shows individuals inherit a particular type of nervoussystem which controls how they adapt to their environment
Generalpersonalitytheory (Eyesnck1947) says there are 2 aspects to personality introverted/extraverted and neurotic/stable
Generalpersonalitytheory (Eyesnck 1947) later added a third dimension of psychotic
Generalpersonalitytheory (Eyesnck1947) says high psychoticism, high extraversion, and high high neuroticism
generalpersonalitytheory (Eyesnck1947) says extraverts have an underactivenervoussystem causing them to take part in risktakingbehaviour
Generalpersonalitytheory (Eyesnck1947) says neurotics are overly anxious and unstable making their behaviour hard to predict
Generalpersonalitytheory (Eyesnck1947) says psychotics have highlevels of testosterone making them aggressive
Eyesnck (1947) saw criminality as a result of failedsocialisation during childhood
Eyesnck (1947) says people with high extraversion, psychoticism, and neuroticism are difficult to condition as they have not learned the norms and values of society properly through socialisation
Strength; research support from eyesnck who compared 2070 prisoners and 2422 controls on the eyesnckpersonalityinventory and found prisoners on average scored higher on extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism
Weakness; Farrington's (1982) meta analysis found prisoners score higher psychoticism but not neuroticism or extraversion
Weakness; Moffitt (1993) found only a limited difference in adolescent and adult offenders and that personalitytraits were not a goodindicator of whether people would become persistentoffenders
Weakness; Bartol and Holanchock (1979) found offenders were lessextraverted than non-offenders due to their culturalgroup