the war effort

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  • why was the production of tennis balls and baseballs ended?

    so that the factories could produce materials needed for the war effort
  • the government raised money by introducing what new tax in 1942?
    victory tax - a tax on luxury goods
  • in 1942 FDR set up what to encourage industrialists to join the war effort?

    war production board
  • Americans instantly began rationing what?

  • how much did the us public contribute to the war effort through us bonds?
  • how many people served in the armed forces during the war?

    16 Million
  • the government encouraged people to invest in war bonds, what were they?

    lending money to the government with the promise of repayment with interest at the end of the war
  • Morale was high at the start of the War amongst the American people
  • Millions of Americans grew vegetables in what type of gardens?
    victory gardens
  • The War Production Board called for people to contribute tons of scrap metal - how much did the contribute in 3 weeks?

    5M tonnes
  • The Government used propaganda to mobilise Americans. What were their propaganda messages ?
    • fighting a just cause
    • fighting against tyranny
    • against opression
  • Which two countries did America use negative images of in their propaganda to mobilise the people?

    Germany and Japan
  • How did the US government use Hollywood in its propaganda campaign to mobilise the people?
    glorified the USA and presented the enemy as cruel In films
  • Between 1940 and 1945 the government spent nearly twice as much as it had spent in the preceding 150 years
  • What did car manufacturers such as General Motors and Chrysler produce?
    machine guns and anti-aircraft guns
  • Due to the amount of men and women being in the armed forces, why was there a need for more workers at home?
    to fill their jobs in factories
  • Black African Americans found work in the war industries and migrated north. How many?
  • Trade Unions did accept more Federal control but in return for what?
    • Allowances for female workers to get help with childcare
    • improved conditions