ex. 36 [respiratory system]

Cards (36)

  • major role of respiratory system: supply body w/ oxygen and dispose carbon dioxide
  • pulmonary ventilation: breathing
  • external respiration: gas exchange between blood and alveoli
  • internal respiration: exchange of gas between systemic blood and tissue cells
  • external nose: provide an entrance for air into respiratory system
  • nasal cavity: filter, warm, and moisten incoming air
  • nasal vestibule: filters coarse particles from air
  • nasal septum: separates the right and left nasal cavities
  • nasal conchae: increase surface area and better filtration
  • posterior nasal apertures: exit for air into nasopharynx
  • nasopharynx: passage for air from nasal cavity to pharynx; tonsils are here for protection
  • oropharynx: passageway between mouth and pharynx for food and air; tonsils are located here
  • laryngopharynx: passageway between larynx and pharynx; path for air and food
  • pharyngotympanic tube: allows middle ear pressure to equalize with atmospheric pressure
  • paranasal sinuses: resonance chambers for speech; warm and moisten air
  • larynx: air passageway; prevents food from entering lower respiratory tract and produces voice
  • thyroid cartilage: largest cartilage on larynx
  • cricoid cartilage: attaches larynx to trachea
  • arytenoid cartilage: anchor vocal folds (true vocal cords)
  • corniculate cartilage: posterior wall of larynx
  • cuneiform cartilage: lateral aspect of laryngeal wall
  • epiglottis: lid over larynx during swallowing
  • vestibular folds: protect vocal folds and close glottis when swallowing
  • conducting respiratory zone: structure from nasal cavity to terminal bronchioles
  • respiratory zone structures: respiratory membrane, alveoli, alveolar ducts and respiratory bronchioles
  • lower respiratory system flow:
    larynx -> trachea -> main bronchi -> lobar bronchi -> segmental bronchi -> bronchioles -> terminal bronchioles -> respiratory bronchioles -> alveolar duct -> alveolar sac -> alveoli
  • each lung enclosed in pleura
  • visceral layer attaches to surface of lungs; parietal layer lines thoracic wall and diaphragm
  • pleural space is between visceral and parietal layers of the pleura
  • pleural cavity: space between the two layers of the pleurae, filled with a thin layer of serous fluid
  • trachea histology
    A) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
    B) hyaline cartilage
    C) submucosa
    D) seromucous gland
  • section of bronchiole
    A) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
    B) lamina propria
    C) smooth muscle
    D) alveoli
  • final divisions of bronchial tree
    A) respiratory bronchiole
    B) alveolar duct
    C) alveolar sac
    D) alveoli
  • upper respiratory structures
    A) nasal vestibule
    B) nasal conchae
    C) hard palate
    D) soft palate
    E) epiglottis
    F) hyoid bone
    G) thyroid cartilage
    H) cricoid cartilage
    I) trachea
    J) esophagus
    K) vocal fold
    L) vestibular fold
    M) uvula
    N) nasal meatus
    O) nasopharynx
    P) oropharynx
    Q) laryngopharynx
  • larynx
    A) epiglottis
    B) hyoid bone
    C) thyroid cartilage
    D) cricoid cartilage
    E) cuneiform cartilage
    F) arytenoid cartilage
    G) epiglottis
    H) vestibular fold
    I) vocal fold
    J) cricoid cartilage
  • lower respiratory
    A) trachea
    B) superior lobe left lung
    C) carina
    D) left main bronchus
    E) lobar bronchus
    F) inferior lobe left lung
    G) inferior lobe right lung
    H) middle lobe right lung
    I) superior lobe right lung
    J) terminal bronchiole
    K) respiratory bronchiole
    L) alveolar duct
    M) alveoli
    N) alveolar sac