2.1.1 - Compare criminal behaviour and deviance

Cards (16)

  • Social definition of crime;
    • A wrong against the community
    • Crimes go against societal normalities
  • Legal definitions of crime;
    • Can be punished by the legal system
    • Must have actus reus and mens rea
  • Non-court sanction examples are cautions, conditional cautions, penalty notices
  • Court sanction examples are custodial sentences, community sentences, fines, or discharge
  • Caution
    Administered by police for minor crimes that offenders admit to and don't count as a criminal conviction
  • Conditional caution
    Cautions given by police on conditions that the offender must follow
  • Penalty notice
    Given for minor criminal offences
  • Custodial sentences
    Offender immediately sent to prison
  • Mandatory life sentence

    Sentence of life imprisonment with no possibility of parole
  • Discretionatory life sentence

    Life imprisonment with chance of parole
  • Fixed term sentence

    A sentence with a set release date for the offender
  • Intermediate prison sentence
    No set date of release, only a minimum sentence to be served before consideration to be released
  • Mens rea

    Guilty act
  • Actus reas
    Guilty act
  • Offenders have to be over 18 to be given a penally notice
  • Combination order
    A sentences of the court that combines a probation order and a community service order