
Cards (31)

  • Connectivity
    The constancy of connectivity through digital tools like cellular phones, tablets, and computers
  • Convergence
    Communication is made possible through technology overlaps face-to-face communication
  • Interactivity
    Grants online participation anytime and anywhere
  • We do not only receive information, we can take part in how it will be received and how it influences those who receive it in real time
  • Digital native
    Your world is characterized by how space, time and distance are no longer hindrances to retrieving and even producing information
  • Digital technology facilitates an expansion of our interests and advocacies
  • Distinction between the first and second media ages
    • FIRST MEDIA AGE (Broadcast): Centralized, One-way communication, Reproduction of social stratification and inequality
    • SECOND MEDIA AGE (Interactivity): Decentralized, Two-way communication, Democratizing: Facilitates universal citizenship
  • Digital technology today has allowed more voices to be heard and more individual stories to be shared
  • It is an age when anyone and everyone can show how unique encounters may form part of a collective experience
  • Positive uses of digital media in children's lives
    • Social connectedness
    • Access to information
    • Education
    • Self-expression/creativity
    • Entertainment
  • Children overwhelmingly experience digital media as a positive influence on their lives
  • Responsibilities children say come with the rights they enjoy in relation to digital media
    • Understanding the consequences of their engagements
    • Being personally accountable for the ways their online interactions impact others
    • Knowing when to exercise self-control
  • There are 119 million mobile phone subscriptions in the Philippines, which has a total population of 101 million
  • Filipinos spend an average of 3.2 hours on mobile phones and an average of 5.2 hours on desktops and tablets, with 47% of that time spent on social media
  • Filipinos have the highest digital population in the world
  • Asian makes up 50.1% of internet users all over the world
  • Turkle means that "we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection"

    We have given up the benefits of engaging in conversation in favour of superficial online connections
  • Goldilocks
    A fictitious character used by Turkle to represent how we communicate today, where we seek connections that are "just right" rather than the deeper engagement of conversation
  • Benefits of engaging in conversation that we can never receive through mere connection online
    • Not provided in the material
  • Getting used to mere connections through technology has negative effects
  • Turkle declares "I am a partisan for conversation" and makes recommendations toward the end of the essay
  • Social media
    A group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content
  • As a digital native, today we can retrieve, receive all kinds of information, and construct and produce information
  • There is an available and instant audience - average individuals, decision makers, critics, scholars, experts and like-minded peers
  • Classifications of social media
    • Social Presence: Low - blogs and microblogs (Twitter), Medium - Social Networking sites (Facebook), High - Virtual social worlds (Second Life)
    • Self-presentation/self-disclosure: High - blogs and microblogs (Twitter), Medium - Social Networking sites (Facebook), Low - collaborative projects (Wikipedia), Content Communities (YouTube), Virtual game (World of Warcraft)
  • Those who are "alone together", living in a "silence of connection" have been changed in the ways they behave and relate with one another
  • Meme
    A virally-transmitted photograph that is embellished with text that pokes fun at a cultural symbol or social idea
  • Properties of memes by which they evolve existing variations
    • Intertextuality - memes reference other memes or other concepts
    • Indexicality - an element in one meme can be used to comment on many situations
    • Templatability - memes have recognizable structures with spaces for new content
  • Networked public
    Four features of the internet: Replicability, Searchability, Scalability, Persistence
  • Memes are indicative of a change from last century's passive read-only culture to an active read-write-oriented culture, in which very few resources are needed to broadcast a message to the entire world
  • Memes have value and must be protected as a form of expression; government and corporations attempt to chill fair use of "copyright" materials via treaties such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement