
Cards (17)

  • Surveillance
    The continuous (ongoing) search for the factors that determine the occurrence and distribution of diseases and other health related events through a systematic collection of data
  • Passive surveillance
    A mechanism for routine surveillance based on passive case detection and on the routine recording and reporting system. The information comes to the health institutions for help. It involves collection of data as part of routine providing of health services.
  • Advantages of passive surveillance
    • Covers a wide range of problems
    • Does not require special arrangement
    • It is relatively cheap
    • Covers a wider area
  • Disadvantages of passive surveillance
    • The information generated is to a large extent unreliable, incomplete and inaccurate
    • Most of the time, data from passive surveillance is not available on time
    • Most of the time, it is difficult to get the required kind of information
    • It is not representative of the whole population since passive surveillance is mainly based on health institution reports
  • Active surveillance
    A method of data collection usually on a specific disease, for relatively limited period of time. It involves collection of data from communities such as in house-to-house surveys or mobilizing communities to some central point where data can be collected. This can be arranged by assigning health personnel to collect information on presence or absence of new cases of a particular disease at regular intervals.
  • Advantages of active surveillance
    • The collected data is complete and accurate information collected is timely.
  • Disadvantages of active surveillance
    • It requires good organization
    • It is expensive
    • It requires skilled human power
    • It is for short period of time (not a continuous process)
    • It is directed towards specific disease conditions
  • Activities in Surveillance
    • Data collection and recording
    • Data gathering, analysis and interpretation
    • Reporting and notification
    • Dissemination of information
  • Features of a good surveillance system
    • Using a combination of both active and passive surveillance techniques
    • Timely notification
    • Timely and comprehensive action taken in response to notification
    • Availability of a strong laboratory service for accurate diagnoses of cases
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has worked with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for over 20 years
  • CDC has formed partnerships with the Ministry of Health, WHO, local partners, and other U.S. Government agencies to reduce the impact of emerging diseases, build capacity in areas such as laboratory systems and epidemiology, strengthen immunization services, respond to public health emergencies, and conduct surveillance, surveys, and studies
  • For the sake of Global Health Security CDC works with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries to strengthen its public health systems and build capacity for disease surveillance and outbreak response
  • CDC supports workforce capacity building in KSA through the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP)
  • The KSA FETP program started in 1989 as the first program in the Middle East. The two year training program leads to a Diploma in Field Epidemiology from King Saud University, which is recognized as equivalent to a Master's Degree by Saudi Council for Health Specialties
  • The Saudi FETP currently accepts residents from Oman and has accepted residents from other countries in the region
  • The recent Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreak in Saudi Arabia has provided multiple opportunities for current FETP fellows to become involved in field investigations
  • A new Resident Advisor, Dr. Mark Beatty, has been hired and expected to be in country early 2016. Dr. Beatty has an extensive background in domestic and international field investigations and has worked in challenging socio-economic and political environments in Southeast Asia, India, Africa, and Central and South America focused on arboviral and enteric diseases including cholera