Feet, and hands grow, Muscles grow, Body size and shape increase - Physical changes during puberty
Trait - Something about you that shows what you are like
Personality - The combination of the ways you think, act, and feel.
Growth Spurt - Occurs during adolescence. It is a period of rapid growth in height and weight
Grooming - Keeping yourself and your clothes neat and clean
Sebum - Oily substance that produces an excess amount during puberty
Epidermis - The outer protective layer that is there to keep out water, pollutants, the sun's harmful rays, and bacteria
Dermis - The supporting structure of the skin that lies below the epidermis
Subcutaneous layer - Also called the hypodermis, is a fatty tissue layer below the dermis that gives shape to your body as well as keeps the body heat in and the cold out
Acne - Condition that develops in the pores of the skin around the hair follicles and glands that produce oil
Perspiration - sweat glands in the skin produce sweat which evaporates from the skin
Body Odor - Caused by apocrine glands.
Deodorant, and Antiperspirants - Products that control underarm odor and wetness
Good grooming - An expression of well-being
Physical Fitness - Having your body work the best it can
Developmental Task - Something that needs to occur during a particular age period for a person to continue his or her growth toward becoming a healthy, mature adult.
Peer Pressure - The pressure to do what others around you are doing
Alcoholism - The repeated use of alcohol that results in daily living problems such as failing to fulfill work, school, or home duties, and having relationship problems
Drug abuse - The use of illegal drugs
Drug dependence - a condition in which a person cannot function without a drug.
Circumstances - The happenings or events in your life
Adolescence - Begins around age ten and last until about age twenty-two
Energy Giving Foods (Go) - These give you body carbohydrates and fats.
Body Building Foods (Grow) - These give you nutrients for building strong bones and teeth. Foods in this group are a major source of protein.
Body Regulating Foods (Glow) - These have a lot of vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber. Fruit and vegetables belong to this group.