DNA that encodes information for proteins is within the ________
What makes up the transcription complex that transcribes DNA?
Polymerases and transcription factors
Transcriptional complexes transcribe DNA into _______
________________ machinery reads mRNA after it has been shuttled into the cytoplasm
Where are ribosomes formed?
______________ make up the translational machinery that reads mRNA
The amino acid chain that forms the protein is the _____________ structure of a protein
Alpha helices or beta helices structures are examples of ______________ protein structures
Structural __________ are formed by combinations of secondary structures.
A fully folded single protein is in its _______________ structure
Proteins often interact with one another to form _______________
Two proteins that come together to form a dimer, homo-dimer, trimer or heteroligamers are examples of proteins in their _________________ structure
Forming quaternary structures allows proteins to enhance ____________ or stability
The ___________ structure of viral hemaglutinin occurs when _____ individual trimers connect to improve function and stability of the viral protein structure
What unit of measurement are individual proteins usually measured in?
kDa (kilodaltons)
What unit of measurement are individual protein complexes or machines usually measured in?
mDa (megadaltons)
S units represent ___________ units and is a non-linear measurement of proteins that measures the rate of sedimentation
Svedberg unit
Macromolecular complexes are typically ____ to ____nm in size
How many components make up a ribosome?
~100 sub units
A dimer is made up of ____ protein sub units
Assembly around a ___________ sub unit is a type of protein assembly that is involved in trimer, dimer formation
core/central sub unit
Mitochondrial electron transport chain complexes form using the mode of assembly in which _____________ sub complexes form prior to full assembly
The different sub-unit components of quaternary proteins each have a different ________ to play. These roles include target recognition or binding, linkers, scaffolding, biomechanical, catalytic/enzymatic or regulatory functions.
A single protein can have multiple ___________ within them. This is because each __________ has a different role or function.
What is the benefit of multi-molecular sub-unit complexes?
A single protein complex can be swapped out - this means that it is easier than swapping out a chemically linked domain
Multi sub-unit complexes facilitate ________ within a system
Where is the energy contained in ATP?
High energy phosphate bonds
Energy is released from ATP when the terminal phosphate bond is _________
Post-translational modifications are COVALENT modifications that alter proteins through either __________________ or _______________ of the protein
phosphorylation or ubiquitination
In a PTM phosphorylation involves the _________ of a ____________ to amino acids: tyrosine, serine, threonine or histidine residues that are catalyzed by ___________
addition of a phosphate, kinases
In a PTM ubiquitination involves the _________ of a ____________ to amino __________ residues
addition of a ubiquitin to lysine residues
Glycolysation is an example of a ________
Allosteric regulation is a change in protein structure/function that is due to a ___________________ binding by a ___________
non-covalent, ligand (e.g. calcium, nucleotides or another protein)
Calmodulin and Ca2+ binding is an example of ____________ regulation that opens up a catalytic site on a kinase to allow phosphorylation to occur.
GTPase switch is an example of ____________________
allosteric regulation II
What turns ON the GTPase switch to increase enzyme activity, and activate signal transduction by catalyzing the exchange from G-protein-bound GDP to GTP?
What turns off the GTPase signalling switch by inducing GTP hydrolysis?
GAP (GTP-ase activating protein)
Spatial localization/segregation/compartmentalization is form of ___________ of the cell.
What are the two sides of the membrane termed? Side facing into the cell cytoplasm is called the _____________ face and the side of the membrane that faces away from the cytoplasm is the ____________ face.
cytoplasmic, exoplasmic
The nucleus and mitochondria are organelles that have a _________ membrane